释义 |
软(軟);[輭]ruǎnⅠ ❶ (质地不硬) soft; flexible; supple; pliable: ~ 床 [椅] soft bed [chair]; ~ 壳蛋 soft-shelled egg; 柳条很 ~。 Willow twigs are pliable. 苔藓 ~ 如丝绒。 Moss is soft like velvet. ❷ (柔和) soft; mild; gentle: ~ 语 soft words; 你对他 ~ 了些。 You've been a bit soft with him. 他的话太 ~ 了。 What he said was too mild. ❸ (软弱) weak; feeble: 欺 ~ 怕硬 bully the weak and fear the strong; 两腿发 ~。 One's legs feel like jelly. ❹ (能力弱; 质量差) poor in quality, ability, etc.: 工夫 ~ inadequate skill; 货色 ~ poor-quality goods ❺ (容易被感动或动摇) easily moved or influenced: 耳朵 ~ credulous and pliable; 心 ~ tenderhearted Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 华 Ruan Hua ◆软包装 flexible package; 软币 weak currency; 软磁盘 floppy disk; 软刀子 soft knife; a way of harming people imperceptibly; 软底鞋 soft sole; 软垫 cushion; bolster; 软缎 soft silk fabric in satin weave; 软腭 {生理} soft palate; 软风 {气} (Ⅰ 级风) light air; 软腐病 soft rot; 软钢 mild steel; dead steel; malleable steel; soft steel; 软膏 chrisma; ointment; paste; unguent; unguentum; 软骨头 a weak-kneed person; a spineless person; a coward; 软骨 cartilage; basibranchial; basibranchial bone; gristle; 软管 flexible pipe; flexible tube; hose; 软焊{冶} soft soldering; soldering; sweat soldering; 软化 soften; {皮革} bate; bating; 软和 [口] soft; gentle; kind; 软环境 soft environment; 软件 {计} software; 软件安全分析 software safety analysis; 软件包 software package; 软件保护 software protecting; 软件开发计划 software development library; 软件支持系统 software support system; 软件服务 software maintenance; 软禁 put sb. under house arrest; house arrest; house confinement; detain a person; 软科学 soft science; 软领 limp collar; 软麻工艺 {纺} bruising (亚麻的); batching; 软帽 beret; overseas cap; 软锰矿 pyrolusite; polianite; varvicite; 软绵绵 soft; downy; velvety; feathery; feeble; weak; 软磨 use soft tactics; 软木 cork wood; cork; phello; 软泥 ooze; muckle; 软盘 soft disk; floppy disk; 软皮 soft leather; 软片 film; cartridge; 软弱 weak; feeble; flabby; 软弱涣散 weak and lax; weakness and slackness; 软弱可欺 be weak and easily bullied; be weak and easy to bully; 软弱无能 be weak and incompetent [incapable]; flabby and impotent; in a weak and helpless position; incompetent and in a weak position; timid and incompetent; 软绳 {杂技} tightrope; 软食 pap; soft diet; soft food; 软水 slush; soft water; 软糖 soft sweets; jelly drops; 软梯 [口] rope ladder; 软通货 soft currency; 软土 weak soil; mollisol; 软席 {交} soft seat or berth; cushioned seat or berth; 软线 {电工} flexible wire; flexible cord; tinsel cord; flexible line; cord; 软新闻 {新} soft news; 软硬 soft or hard; gentle or harsh; 软硬不吃 immune to both soft and hard tactics [cajolery and coercion]; neither enticed by the carrot nor brow-beaten by the stick; neither listen to reason nor bow to force; yield to neither the carrot nor the club [stick]; 软硬兼施 act tough and talk soft; adopt every possible means, tough and soft; bring both force and reason to bear; combine hard tactics with soft; combine harsh and mild measures; couple threats with promises; resort to [use] both the hard and the soft way; temper force with mercy; threaten and entreat by turns; try both tough and soft tactics to ...; use all tactics, both soft and tough; use [resort to] both coercion and persuasion; What by [with] coaxing, and what by [with] threatening, (he ...); wield both the carrot and the stick; 软玉 nephrite; kidney stone; 软玉温香 as fair as jade; her body soft and warm, really enticing; the flesh and fragrance of a beauty; 软皂 soft soap; potash soap; 软脂 palmitin; 软指标 soft target; soft objects; “软专家” “soft specialists” well-versed in management; 软着陆 soft landing; 软组织 flab; soft tissue 软soft 软soft;mild;gentle;weak;feeble;watery 这个决议草案太~。The draft resolution is too weak.or:This is a wishy-washy draft./他的话太~。What he said was too mild./对…太~be soft with sb;not tough enough/态度很~a conciliatory attitude/经济~着陆soft landing of the economy/心~tender-hearted/手~soft-handed/~贷款soft loan; low-interest loan/~货币soft currency /~科学soft science/~懒散weakness,laziness and laxity;weak,lazy and lax/~磨硬泡resist opposition by using both hard and soft tactics/~通货soft currency/~新闻 soft news /~指标soft target/ ~制衡soft-pedal/ ~资源soft resources/~着陆soft landing/~组织(生理)soft tissue(such as muscles,ligamentis,etc) |