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单词 madam
释义 madam /'maedam; 'maedam/ n 1 respectful form of address to a woman (whether married or unmarried): 夫人; 女士 (对妇女的尊称): Can I help you, ~? (eg asked by a shop assistant); 我能为妳肢劳吗,夫人? (例如店员所问); used in letters, as Sir is used to a man: 用于信件中,如对男人称 Sir 一样: Dear M ~ . 夫人 (女士) 台鉴。 2 (colloq) woman or girl who likes to order people about: (俗) 喜欢指使他人的妇女: She's a bit of a ~. 她有点儿喜欢指使别人。 Isn't she a little ~! 她不是个很喜欢指使旁人的女孩吗! 3 (colloq) woman who manages a brothel. (俗) 妓院女老板; 鸨母。




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