轮(輪)lúnⅠ ❶ (轮子) wheel: 飞 ~ flywheel; 滑 ~ pulley; 齿 ~ cogwheel; gear wheel ❷ (像轮子的东西) wheel-like object; ring; disc: 光 ~ halo; 年 ~ {植} annual ring; 日 ~ the sun; 月 ~ the moon ❸ (轮船) steamer; steamboat: 油 ~ oil tanker; 游 ~ pleasure-boat; 江 ~ river steamer ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 明 Lun Ming Ⅱ (依次一个接替一个) take turns: ~ 到你了。 It is your turn. ~ 不到我。 I shall not have the chance. 快 ~ 到他值班了。 His turn for duty is drawing near. Ⅲ ❶ (用于红日、明月等): 一 ~ 红日 a red sun; 一 ~ 明月 a bright moon ❷ (用于循环的事物或动作) round: 半决赛 ~ the semi-final round; 另一 ~ 的外交谈判 another round of diplomatic talks ◆轮班 be on duty by turns; turn; shift; 轮唱 {音} sing a round; round; 轮齿 gear teeth; cog; cogtooth; tooth of wheel; wheel tooth; teeth of a cogwheel; 轮虫 {无脊椎} Rotifera; wheel animalcule; 轮船 steamer; steamship; steamboat; 轮带 tyre; 轮渡 ferry; 轮番 take turns; 轮辐 spoke; arm of wheel; spoke rib; wheel arm; wheel rib; wheel spoke; 轮盖 wheel cap; 轮箍 strake; rim; tyre; wheel band; wheel tyre; 轮毂 hub; boss of wheel; nave of wheel; wheel boss; wheel hub; wheel nave; wheel spider; boss; 轮换 rotate; take turns; alternate; 轮回 coming again and again; samsara; transmigration; 轮机 turbine; motorship engine; engine; 轮迹 trod; wheelmark; 轮架 wheel carrier; wheel stand; 轮奸 rape by turns; violation of a woman by several men in turn; 轮距 tread; rut; gauge; wheel-base; wheel centre; wheel centre distance; wheel spread; wheelspan; wheeltrack; wheel tread; 轮空 {体} bye; 轮廓 outline; line; lineament; contour profile; rough sketch; 轮流 take turns; do sth. in turn; rotation; by spells; 轮牧 grazing; folding; rotation grazing; 轮生 {植} whorl; verticillate; 轮式 wheel type; 轮胎 tyre; shoe; 轮辋 rim; felloe; felly; wheel rim; circular rim; rimmer; wheel felloe; 轮休 have holidays by turns; rotate days off; stagger holidays; 轮训 train personnel in rotation; training in rotation; 轮训班 rotary gang; 轮椅 rolling chair; wheel chair; 轮缘 flange; wheel flange; {木} felloe; felly; flange of wheel; runner band (涡轮的); shell of roll; wheel rim; 轮栽 crop rotation; succession; 轮值 be on duty in turns; 轮种 crop rotation; 轮轴 {机} axletree; axle; wheel shaft; wheel spindle; wheel and axle; wheel axle; 轮转 rotate; {计} round robin; 轮子 wheel; 轮作 {农} crop rotation; succession of crops; 轮座 wheel seat 轮round(指会谈、谈判) 第一~会谈first round of talks/两国就某某问题开始了又一~正式会谈 the two countries opened another round of formal talks on the question of… |