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单词 转弯抹角

转弯抹角拐弯抹角zhuǎn wān mò jiǎo

❶beat about (/around) the bush; by indirection; circu mambulate; in an indirect way; in a zigzag; oblique(ly); periphrastic; talk round the subject; speak in a round about way; vermiculate
❷full of twists and turns;in a zigzag; tortuous; twisty
❍ 邓秀梅~,沿着山边,踏着路上的山影、树荫和枯黄的落叶,急急忙忙走了十来里。(周立波《山乡巨变》5) Hurrying along the twists and curves of the hillside path,treading underfoot the shadow of the hill,the shade of trees,and dry yellow leaves,Deng Xiumei had covered about a dozen li./ “好啦,好啦!” 剑波一边脱鞋一边嚷道,‘别~,就是我,我承认,接受!”(曲波《林海雪原》198) “All right,all right,” said Jianbo,removing his shoes. “Don't beat about the bush. It′s me. I′m the culprit. I admit it.”/富农把粮食往外村转移,假亲戚的名,剥削穷庄稼人; 本村的困难户又~,投面子向外村掏大利借粮哩。(柳青《创业史》88)Rich peasants were shipping grain to relatives in other villages and,in their names,were squeezing the poor. Needy families in Fifth Village,by devious methods,were borrowing grain outside at usurious rates of interest.
❍ 离开忸怩,离开含蓄,离开~,就不会有女人。(巴金《春天里的秋天》)What is a woman if not shy,inscrutable and devi ous?/他这几句话,捧得马慕韩心里怪痒的。但是,马慕韩不上这个圈套,却又不能显得自己寒伧,~地说: ……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—483) Ma Muhan felt a glow of gratification at the flattery contained in the words,nevertheless he had no intention of walking into Zhu Yannian’s trap; but at the same time he could not let himself appear financially embarrassed,so he did his best to steer a way round it: …/大雪仍不停地飞扬着,吃过午饭,他没有出去,就在旅馆内同周老板聊天,故意~地问他……(李六如《六十年的变迁》) As the snow continued heavily after lunch,Jiaoshu did not go out in the afternoon but stayed indoors and chatted with Mr Zhou. Deliberately he asked the man in an indirect way: …/太阳压山的时光,周大勇从东山坡上~地溜下来,到了伤员们睡的山洞里。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》370) At sunset,Dayong slipped down the eastern slope in a rapid zigzag and returned to the cave where the wounded were resting.
❍ 他想了一想,~地说: ……(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—230) He thought for a while and then spoke in a roundabout way: …/肖队长问起屯子里的情形,白大嫂子~地问双城的情况,双城离这儿多远?捎信得几天才到? (周立波《暴风骤雨》259)In the conversation that followed,Xiao was inter ested to know what was going on in the village while she tried indirectly to lead up to something else. How far was it from here to Shuangcheng? How long did a letter take to come?/她要干的事,决不因为客观情势不顺利,就打退堂鼓,她~,扯到了社上。(周立波《山乡巨变》222) She never easily gave up what she wanted to do just because of difficulties. She talked round the subject a bit,and finally got on to the matter of co-operatives.
❍ 弯弯曲曲的汽车道上,出现了一部甲虫似的卡车,~地冲发电厂开来。(草明《原动力》39) On the twisting and turning motor road that followed the contours of the mountain a lorry could be seen like a beetle winding its way toward the electric works.


❶full of twists and turns;zigzag
❷beat about the bush;speak in a roundabout way
说话不要~。Don’t beat about the bush.

转弯抹角zhuǎn wān mò jiǎo

形容所走的路弯弯曲曲;也比喻说话办事不直来直去,而是绕弯子。in a devious way, go a compass, wriggle, speak in a round about way, be about the bush





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