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单词 转危为安

转危为安zhuǎn wēi wéi ān

be freed from danger;be out of (/past) danger (and land oneself in safety);be rescued from great danger; fall on one′s foot; out of the wood (s); pull through; take a turn for the better and be out of danger; turn the corner (/tide)
❍ 大军一到, 京畿一带就马上~了。 (姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—225) As soon as your army arrives,the capital will be freed from danger.
❍ 这个胜利标志着中国革命又经历了一次~的历史性转折。(宋庆龄《人民的意志是不可战胜的》) The victory represented a historical turning point for the Chinese revolution which was rescued from great danger.
❍ 李崑岗很老练,胡先生向来器重他,也许他能~。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》110) Li Kungang is an experienced general.Master Hu thinks highly of him. Perhaps he can turn the tide.


turn danger into safety;pull through(or tide over)a crisis

转危为安zhuǎn wēi wéi ān

将危险转化为平安。pull thorough, fall on one’s foot, out of the wood, turn the corner, be past danger





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