释义 |
车水马龙chē shuǐ mǎ lóngan endless (/incesant)stream of horses and carriages—heavy traffic; be crowded with people and vehicles;heavy (/dense/congested/thick) traffic (on street); (with) carriages like strings of dragons and unending streams of horses ❍ 这一天真是~,不到黄昏时候,主客就全都到齐了,院子里却已经点起庭燎来,鼎中的牛肉香,一直透到门外虎贲的鼻子眼前,大家就一齐咽口水。(鲁迅《故事新编》38) That day saw a veritable stream of fine horses and carriages,and before dusk fell hosts and guests had all assembled. Torches were lit in the countyard,the appetising smell of the beef in the tripods carried to the sentries outside and made their mouths water. ❍ 平时~的南京路,现在冷冷清清。(陶承《我的一家》63)Nanjing Road,usually crowded with pedestrians and traffic,was strangely quiet. ❍ 那南门热闹轰轰,真是车如游龙,马如流水!(《儒林外史》336)The South Gate was such a lively quarter,with carriages like strings of dragons and unending streams of horses.… 车水马龙chē shuǐ mǎ lónɡ车马来往不断。形容一派繁华景象。heavy traffic, be crowded with people and vehicles, stream of horses and carriages |