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单词 身先士卒

身先士卒shēn xiān shì zú

be in the van of one’s officers and men; charge (/fight) at the head of one’s men; fight in the forefront;lead one’s men in a charge
❍ 披坚执锐,临难不顾,~;赏必行,罚必信。(《三国演义》625) He should be imbued with firmness and courage; never turn aside from a difficulty,but be in the van of his officers and men. Rewards should be certain; and so should punishments.
❍ 闯王每次遇到危险关头,总是~,独当大敌,今晚我对他很不放心。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—53) When danger threatens,Prince Valiant invariably fights in the forefront. I’m par ticularly worried about him tonight.


(of a general) lead one’s men in a charge;(of a leader) be at the forefront of struggle

身先士卒shēn xiān shì zú

指作战时将帅亲自带头冲锋陷阵,走在士兵的前面。lead one’s men in a charge, take the lead, make the running, lead the charge





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