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单词 low
释义 low1 /hu; 10/ adj (-er, -est) 1 not high; not extending far upwards: 低的; 矮的: a low wall/ ceiling/shelf; 矮的协 (天花板,架子); a low range of hills; 一歹 ij 矮山; low-rise housing, of houses not many storeys high. 低层 (层数不多) 房屋。 The moon was low in the sky. 月亮低挂在天空。 The glass is low, The mercury in the barometer is low. 气哒计所显示的度数很低。 He has a low brow, short distance between the hair and the eyebrows. 他的前额很低。 She was wearing a dress low in the neck/ a 'low-necked dress, one leaving the neck and (part of) the shoulders and breasts visible. 她穿若一件低领的衣服 (开领很低,露出一部分肩膀和胸部者) 。 Jow-re'lief, bas-relief. 2 below the usual or normal level or intensity: 低于通常或正常高度或强度的: low-lying land; 低地; low pressure, eg of the atmosphere, of gas or water from the mains; 低压 (例如气眶,瓦斯或水獣); 0 low-density housing estate, with comparatively few houses to the acre. 低密度的宅地 (房屋较少) 。 The rivers were low during the dry summer. 干隼的夏日里河水低浅。 low gear, → gear (1). low tide/water, time when the tide is out and far from the shore or river bank, 低潮; 低水位。 ,low-'water mark, lowest points reached at low tide. 低潮点; 低潮线; 低水位线。 be in low water, (fig) short of money. (喻) 缺少金钱。 3 (of sounds) not loud; not high in pitch: (指声音) 不太的; 不高的; 不尖的; 低的: speak in a low voice; 低声说话; the low notes of a cello. 大提琴的低调。 A tenor cannot get so low as a baritone. 男高音不能唱得像男中音那样低。 JoWkeyed, (fig) restrained in style or quality. (喻) 在式样或性质方面抑制的; 不张扬的。 Jow-'pitched, (music) low in pitch. (音乐) 低调的。 4 of or in inferior rank or social class: 身仿或地位卑下的: all classes of people, high and low; 所有上下各阶层的人们; men of low birth; 出身微贱的人; have a low station in life. 身份卑贱。 be brought low, be humbled. 被贬抑; ■ 屈辱; 败落。 5 commonplace; coarse; vulgar; little civilized: 平凡的; 粗俗的; 鄙陋的; 鄙野的: low manners; 粗鄙的态度; low company; 下层社会的朋友; low life, of persons who are vulgar, coarse, etc; 下暦生活; low tastes; 低级趣味; low cunning, cunning typical of sb who is mean or morally degraded. 卑邮的狡诈。 I never fell as low as that, never let my standard of behaviour fall so low. 我的行为从亲那样恶劣。 6 feeble; lacking in strength of body or mind: 虚弱的; 无力的; 没精神的: in a low state of health; 健康情形不佳; feel low/in low spirits, unhappy, depressed. 不高兴 (无精打采) 。 Hence, 由此产生, Jow-'spirited adj 7 of small amount as measured by a scale or by degrees: 小最的; 低度的: a low temperature; 低初温度; a low pulse; 慢的脉搏; low prices/wages/rates of pay. 低的价格 (工资,薪给) 。 low latitudes, near the equator. 低纬度; 蠡览赤道地区。 have a low opinion of sb/sth. think very little of him, his work, etc. 对某人 (某事) 评价很低。 at lowest, at the least possible figure, quantity, etc. 至少。 8 (of a supply of anything) (指供应物品) be/run low, be/become nearly exhausted: 几乎耗尽或用光的: Our stock of coal is running low. 我们的庶农快烧完了。 Food supplies were running low in the besieged town. 这个被包围的城镇里的粮女供应将尽。 9 (of the position of the tongue when speaking) not raised: (指说话时舌头位置) 不抬高的; 舌位低下的: a low vowel, one, eg the vowel /a: /, made with the tongue low in the mouth.应母音 (例如皇低舌部所发出的母音 / 时) 。 10 not highly developed: 低匝发展的; 低等的: low forms of life. 低等生物。 11 Low Church, party in the Church of England giving a low place to the authority of bishops and priests, ecclesiastical organization, ritual, etc. (contrasted with High Church). 低辰敎会 (英国国敎中的一派, 对主敎和牧师的权威,敎会组织,仪式等不予重视; 与 High Church 相对) 。 Hence, 由此产生, Low Churchman, supporter of this. 拥护低派敎会者; 低派敎会之分子。 12 (phrases) (片语) bring/ lay sb/sth low. make low in health, wealth, position, etc; defeat; humble. 使健康情形,财富或地位等低落; 挫败; 贬抑。 He low, (fig) keep quiet or hidden; say nothing and wait: (喻) 隐匿; 料待: The escaped prisoners had to lie low for months. 那些逃犯必须为匿几个月。 13, (compounds) (复合字) ,low- born adj of humble birth. 出身低微的。 Jow-'bred adj having vulgar manners. 成养不良的; 行为粗野的。 'lowbrow n, adj (person) showing little interest in or taste for intellectual things, esp art, music, literature (contrasted with highbrow), 对文事 (尤指艺术,音乐,文学) 缺少兴趣或修养的 (人); 知识程度低的 (与 highbrow 相对) 。 lower case, (in printing) small letters, not capitals. (印刷) 小楷字母; 小写字体。 Lower Chamber/House, lower branch of a legislative assembly, eg the House vf Commons in GB, the House of Representatives in US. 下议院 (如英国之下议院,美国之众议院) 。 low comedian, person who acts in low comedy, kind of drama bordering on farce, with laughable situations, comic dialogue, etc. 滑稽剧演贝; 丑角 (low comedy 滑稽戏剧 —— 由许多笑料,滑稽对话等构成,近乎闹剧的一种喜剧) 。 the lower deck, (in the Navy) the ratings; those who are not of-ficers. (海军市) 全体士兵。 'low-down adj (colloq) caddish; dishonourable: (俗) 卑鄙的; 下贱的; 不光荣的: ~-dow” behaviour/tricks. 卑鄙的行为 (诡计) 。 give sb/get the low-down (on sth/sb), (colloq) give/get the true facts, inside information which is not generally known. (俗) 给予某人 (获得) 实情或内幕消息。 'lowlander /-landa (r); -landv/ n person who lives in lowlands, esp (L ~) one who lives in the Scottish Lowlands. 低地居民; (大写时尤指) 苏格兰低地居民。 'lowdands /-landz; -hndz/ n pl low level country: 低地: the lowlands of Scotland. 苏格画的低地。 Low Latin, late, popular Latin (contrasted with classical Latin). 近乏通俗拉丁文 (以别于古典拉丁文) 。 Low Mass, (formerly) celebration of the Eucharist without a choir. (昔时) 没有唱诗班的弥撒; 小弥撒。 Low Sunday, Low Week, coming after Easter Day and Easter Week 复活节后的星期日,复活节后的下一周。 'lowermost adj lowest, 最低的。 lowness n




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