单词 | black |
释义 | black/blæk/ adj [-er/-est]; n & vt adj (1) 黑色(暗)的(of the very darkest colour, like coal; without light):~shoes/suits/horses/paint 黑色的鞋子/衣服/马/漆;paint sth ~把……油黑;The house is~with smoke. 这房子被烟熏黑了。~tie黑色蝴蝶领结;as~as ink/pitch/coal 无比的黑(像墨水/沥青/煤一样黑);~coffee 不加牛奶或奶油的咖啡;take/have one's coffee~喝咖啡不加奶(油);~tea/bread红茶/黑面包;~box/hole (飞机的)黑匣子/(太空)黑洞;a~night/bear黑夜/熊;the B~Country 英格兰中部烟雾弥漫的工业区;The sky looks~and threatening.天空显得很黑,像要下雨。a deep,~pool 幽深的水池;give sb a~eye 把人打成乌眼青;〖同〗dark,coalblack;〖反〗white;bright,light; (2) 黑人的((of the people) of a race that has a black skin) [无comp]:~people/slaves黑人/黑奴;~population/scientists/students/governments/culture黑人人口/科学家/学生/政府/文化;〖同〗 Negro,coloured,dark-skinned;〖反〗white; (3) 肮脏的 (very dirty):That shirt was~within an hour.那件衣服不用一小时就脏了。hands~with grime 沾满尘垢的脏手;~hands with lifting coal 搬煤弄脏的手; (4) 很糟的,忧郁的 (very bad; very sad):Things look/The future looks~for us. 似乎我们的事情/未来不容乐观。I don't think the future is as~as that.我认为未来没有那么糟。~news/despair/thoughts 很坏的消息/彻底的绝望/灰色思想;a~Sunday/week黑色星期日/星期;a~day糟糕的一天;~spot 交通事故多发地段;〖同〗gloomy;〖反〗optimistic,bright; (5) 忿恨的 (very angry or resentful)[通常作attrib]:give sb a~look 忿恨地看某人一眼;a~look on sb's face 某人脸上忿懑的表情;a~mood 忿懑的心境; 〖同〗hostile,furious,angry,resentful; 〖反〗friendly; (6) 很坏的,邪恶的 (evil or wicked; very harmful):a~deed/lie/word/heart 劣迹/恶毒谎言/恶毒言语/黑心;~art/magic 妖术;~mark 名声上的污点;~sheep 败家子;害群之马; the B~Death 黑死病;〖同〗evil,wicked,bad;〖反〗good; (7) 故作轻松的 (funny about sb or sth unpleasant or dangerous):~ humour/joke/comedy 黑色幽默/心酸的玩笑/含泪的喜剧; (8) 罢工时抵制装卸的 ((of goods, etc) forbidden to be handled by a trade union during a strike, etc):declare the cargo~宣布货物不准装卸;This cargo is~, so we can't touch it. 这货物是不准装卸的,所以我们不能动。 (beat sb) black and blue (打得)青一块紫一块:They beat the poor boy~and blue. 他们把那个可怜的男孩打得身上青一块紫一块。 go black (失去知觉时)眼前一片黑:Suddenly everything went~. 突然眼前一黑。 →′blacken v (使)变黑(暗);诋毁;′black-ish adj 黑黑的;′blackness n 黑暗;阴险;′blackberry n 黑莓(果);′blackbird n 黔鸟;′blackboard n 黑板;′blacklist n 黑名单;′black-hearted adj 坏心眼的; n (1) 黑色 (the darkest of all colours) [U]:B~is the most sombre colour.黑色是最忧郁的颜色。B~and white are opposites. 黑色和白色正相反。〖反〗white; (2) 黑色衣服(衣料) (black clothing or material) [U]:be dressed in/wear~穿黑色(衣服); (3) 黑色颜料 (black paint or colouring) [U]:She puts a lot of~round her eyes. 她在眼圈上涂了许多黑色眼影膏。I've used up all the ~.我把所有的黑颜料都用光了。 (4) 黑人 (person of a race that has a black skin; Negro)[C, 通常大写]:He was the first~to be elected to the congress. 他是首位选入国会的黑人。Unemployment among B~was high. 黑人失业率高。discrimination against B~s对黑人的歧视;〖同〗Negro;〖反〗white; in black and white 落成文字,白纸黑字:I want the contract/agreement in~and white. 我想让合同/协议白纸黑字地落实下来。put sth down in~and white 白纸黑字地把……写下来; in the black 银行账上有余款:(person/account) be (nicely) in the~(人/账户上)还有(不少)余款; vt (1) 使变黑 (make black, as with a blow or with polish)[T+n]:~shoes/sb's eyes 把鞋子擦黑/把某人眼睛打青; (2) 罢工时拒绝搬运(货物),抵制 (refuse to handle (goods) or have dealings with) [T+n]:This type of cargo/lorry has been~ed by the strikers. 这种货物/卡车罢工工人们拒不装卸。The workers~ed the company.工人们抵制那家公司。~the goods at the docks 拒绝装卸那些船坞的货物; black out (v adv) 1)暂时失去知觉或记忆 (vi):The pilot~ed out as the plane dived steeply.飞机往下栽时飞行员一下子失去了知觉。2) 熄灭(灯火),遮住(窗户)(vt):The city was~ed out by the power failure.由于断电这城市的灯火熄灭了。~all the houses/windows out during an air raid 空袭时使所有房屋的灯火熄灭/把所有窗户堵黑;3) 涂掉,封锁 (vt):~out the words one doesn't want 涂掉不要的字;~out all criticism of the government 封锁对政府的一切批评; 【用法】black指黑人(尤非洲出身者)时,无论名词还是形容词,在美国现在都很常用,黑人自己也喜欢用;但Negro和Negress则常被认为有冒犯的意思,一般应避免使用。 |
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