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单词 路见不平,拔刀相助

路见不平,拔刀相助lù jiàn bù píng , bá dāo xiāng zhù

come across injustice and draw one's sword to uphold the right (/help the victim) ; see injustice on the road and leap into the fray; take up the cudgels for the injured party
❍ 所以即使路见不平,不能拔刀相助,也还不失其为一个老牌的正人君子。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》 117) So if you come across injustice but do not draw your sword to uphol d the right,you can still be a true gentleman of the old school. /戴宗、杨林看了,暗暗地喝彩道:“端的是好汉,此乃‘~’,真壮士也!”(《水浒全传》 558) Dai Zong and Yang Lin watched in admiration. "Quite a man," they said. "Truly 'he sees injustice and leaps into the fray.'"/只是一生性气不好,惯会~,……(《儒林外史》157) But I am unluckly in my temperament,for whenever I see injustice done I must draw my sword to avenge the injured.
❍ 古人~,我是无刀可拔,只有一枝破笔! (田汉 《关汉卿》 15)In ancient times,when one traveller saw another being attacked,he would unsheathe his sword and go to the rescue. In my case,I have no sword to un sheathe except a worn-out brush.

路见不平,拔刀相助lu jian bu ping,ba dao xiang zhu

see injustice on the road and draw one’s sword to help the victim—take up the cudgels for the injured party


see injustice on the road and draw one’s sword to help the victim;give a helping hand to redress an injustice where it occurs; be ready to come to the rescue of people in distress

路见不平,拔刀相助lù jiàn bù pínɡ,bá dāo xiānɡ zhù

路上遇到不平的事,拔出刀子帮助弱者。形容打抱不平,见义勇为。take up the cudgels for the injured party, take up the cudgel on behalf of the victim of injustice





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