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单词 lot
释义 lot2 /lot; lot/ n [U] 1 (one of a set of objects used in) the making of a selection or decision by methods depending upon chance: 抽签法; 拈 Ufl 法牺; 阖: divide property by lot. 用抽签法分财产。 draw/cast lots, eg by taking pieces of paper marked in some way from a box: 抽签; 拈 Hfl: They drew lots as to who should begin. 他 fflMK 以决定由谁开始。 2 the lot, decision or choice resulting from this: 中签; 抽中: The lot came to/ fell upon me. 我抽中了。 3 person's fortune or destiny: 命运; 运气: His lot has been a hard one. 他的命苦。 Such good fortune falls to the lot of few men. 这种好运气很少有人获得。 It has fallen to my lot to oppose the President in the election. 命中注定要我在选举中对抗总统。 cast/throw in one's lot with sb, decide to share the fortunes of, 与某人祸福相共。 4 item, or number of items, (to be) sold at an auction sale: (拍资品之)项目; 组: Lot 46, six chairs. 第四十六项,椅字六把。 5 collection of objects of the same kind: 一批(同样的东西): We have received a new lot of hats from the manufacturers. 我们从制造商那里收到了一批新帽子。 6 s bad lot, (colloq) a bad person. (俗) 坏人; 京人。 7 (cinema) studio and surrounding land. (电影) 摄影场。 8 plot of land: 一块地; 一块地皮: (esp US) (尤美) a 'parking lot, for cars; 一块停车场扇; a vacant lot, a building site. 一块空地成。




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