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Ⅰ (脚的后部或鞋袜 的后部) heel:鞋后 ~ the heel of a shoe;
高 ~ 儿鞋 high-heeled shoes Ⅱ ❶ (在后面紧接着行动) follow: ~ 我学 follow me;
紧 ~ 形势 keep abreast of the current situation;keep pace with the (new) situation;~ 不上功课 cannot catch up with one's lessons;~ 好人,学好人。Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 我来带路,你们 ~ 着好了。 I'll lead the way. You just follow.
❷ (指嫁给某人) be married to:她 ~ 了一个外国人。 She is married to a foreigner. Ⅲ ❶ (和;同) with: ~ 你谈一谈 have a talk with you;
你愿意 ~ 我们去散散步吗? Would you like to go for a walk with us?
❷ (从;由) from:~ 她借了一支铅笔 borrowed a pencil from her
❸ (向;对) to;towards:老师正在 ~ 班长谈话。 The teacher is talking to the monitor. 快 ~ 大家说说。 Tell us all about it.
❹ (引进比较的对象) as:今天的活儿 ~ 往常一样。 Our job today is the same as before. Ⅳ (和) and: 他 ~ 他的妻子 he and his wife;
他 ~ 我一样高。 He and I are of the same height.
◆跟班 join a regular shift or class;[旧] footman;attendant;
跟部 heel;
跟不上 unable to keep pace with;drag;
跟车工 {矿} run rider;trip rider;spragger;rider;
跟车人 patcher;
跟刀架 {工} follow-rest;movable support;moving stay;
跟骨 calcaneus;
跟腱 {解} achilles tendon;heel tendon;tendo calcaneus;
跟脚 [口] fit well;close upon sb.'s heels;follow in one's footsteps;
跟进 follow- up;
跟距 heel distance;
跟前 in front of;close to;near;nearby;
跟前 (of one's children) living with one;
跟上 keep pace with;catch [keep] up with;keep [be] abreast of [with];跟上潮流 keep up to date;keep abreast with the times;
跟摄 move the camera to follow the subject's movement;
跟随 follow;go after;
跟随左右 follow one wherever one goes;
跟头 fall;somersault;
跟着 follow;in the wake of;at once;right away;
跟踪 follow the tracks of;tail after;following;follow-up tracing;track;tracking;trail;lock-on;shadow sb.;
跟踪调查 follow-up survey;
跟踪追击 follow on sb.'s heels in hot pursuit;be hot on sb.'s trail;follow the trail of ...;give chase to ...;pursue close on sb.'s heels;
跟踪追迹 be on sb.'s track;be on the track of sb.;be on (follow) the trail







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