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❶ (身体失去平衡而倒下) fall;tumble:~ 了一跤 trip and fall;~ 入小河 tumble into a stream;
那小男孩头朝下 ~ 下楼梯。 The little boy fell headlong down the flight of stairs. 他 ~ 伤了。 He fell down and injured himself.
❷ (物体落下) fall;go down:河水 ~ 了。 The river has sunk. 花瓶 ~ 个粉碎。 The vase fell in pieces.
❸ (物价下降) drop;fall:物价骤 ~。 The prices drop sharply.
❹ (失足) lose one's footing;slip
❺ (行步不稳,跌跌撞撞) dodder along;stagger along
❻ [书] (跺,以足顿地) stamp (one's foot)
❼ [书] (蹬,踢) kick
❽ [书] (趿,穿鞋) wear cloth shoes with the backs turned in
❾ (疾行;快走) walk quickly
❿ (晃荡;颠动) rock;shake;sway
◆跌打损伤 injuries from falls,fractures,contusions and strains;traumatic injury;
跌宕[荡] [书] (性格洒脱;不拘束) free and easy;bold and unconstrained;(抑扬顿挫) flowing rhythm;
跌倒 fall;tumble;
跌跌撞撞 dodder along;stagger along;stumbling along;totteringly;
跌价 shrinkage;go down in price;fall in price;drop in price;
跌交 (摔跟头) trip and fall;stumble and fall;fall;(犯错误;受挫折) make a mistake;meet with a setback;
跌落 fall;drop;lapse;go down;
跌伤 get injured by a fall;fall and get hurt;
跌水 head fall;water fall;drop;hydraulic drop;
跌足 stamp one's foot





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