释义 |
趾高气扬zhǐ gāo qì yángastrut;(be) in alt;be in hoity-toity spirits; be puffed up; be swollen with arrogance; bloated; breed pride and arrogance; cock-a-hoop;cocky; conceited; coxy; get swelled-headed;give oneself airs and swagger about; haughty; hold(/carry) one’s head high; lift up one’s horns; look high and mighty;on stilts; on the high ropes; perk oneself up; pompous; proud as a peacock; puff one’s chest out; put on an extremely haughty and arrogant air; ride (/mount) the high horse; step high and look proud; strut about and give oneself airs; strut about with one’s head in the clouds; stuck-up ❍ 适才工友们的兴高采烈,杨福田的~都给这场火焰烧毁了。(草明《原动力》18) The workmen’s happy enthusiasm and Yang Futian’s arrogance had alike been destroyed by the fire. ❍ 现在快土改了,村里有人撑他的腰,自然~,目中无人。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—211) And now,with land reform imminent and a lot of people in the village backing him up,he would naturally be giving himself airs and looking down his nose at everybody. ❍ 他~,昂头挺胸,感到自己是一个强人,又有人给自己抬轿子了。(柳青《创业史》315)In high spirits,head up,chest out,Yao felt himself a power again,a man who had strong support. ❍ 他忙摘下了礼帽,满脸笑容的向这个~的鬼子深深的鞠了一躬,便坐在鬼子的对面。(知侠《铁道游击队》167) He took off his hat and,after making a ceremonious bow,accompanied by a broad smile,seated himself opposite the proud Japanese. ❍ 他认为在他威力下边的中国人是会屈服的,所以当他站在中国老百姓面前的时候,他是那么~,气势汹汹。(知侠《铁道游击队》 380) He thought that he could intimidate all the Chinese and whenever he appeared before them,he put on an extremely haughty and arrogant air. ❍ 从村北来的敌人,没受一点阻拦,在武工队的几十支枪口下~地走了过去,走到十字路口和先到的部队汇合了。(冯志《敌后武工队》344) The enemy marching in from the north received no opposition at all . They strutted past the barrels of the work team’s rifles and arrived for assembly at the crossroad. ❍ 周国卿平素有点讨厌他,心里说:“好小子,倘若你吃点亏,领领教,以后就不敢在全营里~啦”。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—185) Chou who had always disliked this young braggart reflected,“If you get beaten,puppy,and taught a lesson,you’ll have to stop swaggering.” 趾高气扬be haughty;be high and mighty;strut about and give oneself airs;be on one’s high horse 趾高气扬zhǐ ɡāo qì yánɡ趾:脚趾。走起路来,脚抬得非常高,神气十足。形容骄傲自大,得意忘形的神态。strut about and give oneself airs, be puffed up, lift up one’s horn, on the high side, high and might, on one’s high horse, be above oneself |