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单词 趋炎附势

趋炎附势qū yán fù shì

be a time-server (/a waiter upon Providence);be a follower of the rich and powerful;cater (/play up) to those in power;curry favour with the powerful;fawn on the influential; hail (/adore) the rising sun; jump on(/ride on/climb into/get into/be on) the bandwagon; serve the time (/hour); snobbish;sycophant
❍ 且说外面这些趋炎奉势的亲戚朋友,先前贾宅有事,都远避不来; …… (《红楼梦》1380) Those relatives and friends outside who had fawned on theJias when they were powerful had steered clear of them since hearing of their disgrace.
❍ 明知凌家湾对她不怀好意,因而地方上一般~的人,统统倒在他那边,董家源好像是这濯水地方的一个孤岛。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—26) She was well aware that Tong Jia Yuan was like a lonely island in an ocean of hostility for every snob in the country certainly sided with Ling’s Retreat.
❍ 李白既受到重视,如身在天士,即成为所谓“青云之士”,一时~的人都来甘拜后尘了。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》 168) Li Bai was so favoured by the emperor he became an “intellectual wrapped in purple clouds”,with a train of sycophants paying him homage.
❍ 大抵的人(“众鸟”)都在~(“集荣柯”),少数穷途末路的人(“穷鱼”) 穷得没有出路 (“守枯池”)。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》175) People in general (ordinary birds) tend to gather around men of power and wealth while destitute folk(poor fish) remain without resources for ever.


curry favor with the powerful;hang on to the influential;play up to those in power

趋炎附势qū yán fù shì

趋:迎合;炎:热,比喻有权势的人。比喻奉承、投靠有权势的人。play up to those in power, serve the time, hail the rising sun, serve the hour, climb on the bandwagon





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