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单词 趋吉避凶

趋吉避凶避凶趋吉qū jí bì xiōng

avoid calamity and bring on good fortune; pursue good fortune and avoid disaster
❍ 避凶趋吉,几乎成了支配我一举一动的中心思想。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》374)Avoiding calamity and bringing on good fortune became the guiding thought behind my every action.
❍ 岂不闻古人说的“大丈夫相时而动”又说“~者为君子”,…… (《红楼梦》46)❶Remenmber the old saying: “A gentleman adapts himself to circum stances” and “The superior man is one who pursues good fortune and avoids disaster.”
❷Haven’t you heard the old saying“The man of spirit shapes his actions to the passing moment”? And there’s another old saying:“It is the mark of a gentleman to avoid what is inauspicious.”





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:52:05