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单词 越俎代庖

越俎代庖越俎代谋;代庖yuè zǔ dài páo

kitchen assistant taking place of the chef—do on be half of another sth not in one’s own line of duty;exceed one’s functions and meddle in others’ affairs;shoot with another’s bow; take another’s job into one’s own hands
❍ 菩萨要农民自己去丢,烈女祠、节孝坊要农民自己去摧毁,别人代庖是不对的。(《毛泽东选集》33)It is for the peasants themselves to cast aside the idols,pull down the temples to the martyred virgins and the arches to the chaste and faithful widows; it is wrong for anybody else to do it for them.
❍ 而况 “庖人虽不治庖,尸视不越尊俎而代之,” 也是古圣贤的明训,国事有治国者在,小民是用不着吵闹的。(鲁迅《准风月谈》72) Another wise maxim of the ancient sages is“Though a cook does not cook well,the priest will not take his place.”The common people need not raise an outcry,but can leave affairs of state to the rulers of the state.

越俎代庖yue zu dai pao

exceed one’s functions and meddle in other people’s affairs


exceed one’s functions and meddle in other people’s business;take sb else’s job into one’s own hands;do things outside one’s area of responsibility

越俎代庖yuè zǔ dài páo

越:跨过;俎:古代祭祀时盛牛羊祭品器具;庖:厨师。比喻超越自己的职务范围去处理他人所管的事情。take sb. else’s job into one’s own hands, exceed one’s mandate shoot with an other’s bow





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