Ⅰ ❶ (跨过; 跳过) get over; jump over: 翻山 ~ 岭 cross over mountain after mountain; ~ 墙而逃 escape by climbing over the wall; 铁路穿 ~ 原始森林。 The railway cuts through a primeval forest.
❷ (超出) exceed; overstep: ~ 出范围 overstep the bounds; exceed the limits; ~ 出政策界限 go beyond the bounds of policy
❸ (昂扬) (of one's voice or emotion) be at a high pitch: 歌声清 ~ sing in a clarion voice; 激 ~ intense; vehement; loud and strong Ⅱ ❶ (周朝国名) Yue, a state in the Zhou Dynasty
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 石父 Yue Shifu
另见 see also huó; kuò。
◆越冬 overwintering; live through the winter; 越发 all the more; the more; even more; 越轨 exceed the bounds; transgress; 越过 cross; surmount; negotiate; 越级 bypass the immediate leadership; skip a grade or rank; 越境 cross the boundary illegally; sneak in or out of a country; 越橘 cowberry blueberry; huckleberry; whortleberry; 越剧 Shaoxing opera; 越来越 ... more and more; 越权 exceed one's power or authority; act beyond one's authority; ultra vires [拉]; 越位 {体} offside; 越野 cross-country; 越狱 escape from prison; break prison; 越 ...越 ... the more ... the more; 越俎代庖 do sth. for others; exceed one's authority [functions]; exceed one's duties and meddle in others' affairs; take anothers' [sb. else's] job into one's own hands; do on behalf of another sth. not in one's own line of duty