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单词 terminal
terminal/′tɜ:mɪnl, AmE ′tɜ:r-/ adj [无comp]; n

adj (1)(致命疾病的)晚(末)期的((of an illness) bringing death;fatal):a~disease/illness/patient 晚期疾病/疾病/病人 a~case生命垂危的患者;the~wards of a hospital 医院的临终病房;~cancer癌症晚期;His illness is~. 他的病已是晚期了。〖同〗fatal,deadly;〖反〗nonfatal,temporary;

(2)每(学)期的,定期举行的(pertaining to or occurring in a term or each term;appear-ing regularly or periodically):~inspections/accounts/payments 定期检查/结账/付款;~examinations学期考试;

(3)界限的,终点的,末端的,最后的(pertaining tosituated ator forming the end or boundary of sth):a~marker 界标;T~buds grow at the end of stems. 最后的蓓蕾长在茎端。Main Street is the~stop for this bus route. 梅恩大街是这条公共汽车线的终点站。〖同〗last,final;〖反〗first,initial;

→′terminally adv 晚期地;

n (1)终点站(large station at either end of a railway lineor one for long-distance buses)[C]:a bus~公共汽车终点站;We'll pick you up at the railroad~. 我们在火车终点站接你。〖同〗station;

(2)航空集散站,候机楼(building at an airport or in a town where one goes before one gets ontoor after one gets off a plane)[C]:an air~航空集散站;the~buildings 候机楼;

(3)(电路的)接线柱,接线头(point at which another conductor can be connected to an electric device or component)[C]:the positive/negative~s 阳/阴极接线柱;the~s of a car battery 汽车蓄电池的接头;

(4)终(末)端(instrument through which data or information can enter or leave a computer)[C]:the~of computers 计算机终端;

→͵termi′nation n 终点,结局





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