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单词 超凡入圣

超凡入圣chāo fán rù shèng

be already a saint and no more mortal; join the sages ; make sb immortal; of great attainments ; overcome all wordly thoughts and enter sainthood; overcome the material desires and attain sainthood; super human; transcend the world and reach the place of the gods ; tran scendent
❍ 返老还童容易得,~路非遥。(《西游记》 229)From age back to youth was an easy boon; | To join the sages was no distant goal.
❍ 幸食仙草,“入圣超凡”,遂入山不复返。(李汝珍《镜花缘》)Tang is lucky enough to find a magic herb which makes him immortal,and goes into the mountains never to return.
❍ 这袈裟,龙披一缕,免大鹏吞噬之灾;鹤挂一丝,得~之妙。(《西游记》160) Of this cassock,| A dragon which wears but one shred | Will miss the woe of being devoured by the great roc; | Or a crane on which one thread is hung|Will transcend this world and reach the place of the gods.
❍ 今日弟幸会芝范,想欲领教一番~的道理,从此司以洗净俗肠,重开眼界。(《红楼梦》1472) I am very lucky to have met you today and would like to hear some of your transcendent views to cleanse my heart of vulgarity and enable me to see things in a new light.

超凡入圣chao fan ru sheng

become a man of unrivalled wisdom

超凡入圣chāo fán rù shènɡ

超过了普通人,胜过了圣人。比喻造诣很深。deep attainments, make sb. immortal, superhuman, transcendent, uncommon, join the sages





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