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单词 local
释义 local /'hukl; Uokl/ adj 1 of, special to, a place or district: 地方前; 当敌的; 本地南: the ~ doctor, living in the district; 当地的医生; ~ customs; 地方风俗; a column of ~ news; 地方新闻栏; ~ government. 地方政府。 ~ colour, details of the scenes and period described in a story, added to make the story more real. 地方色彩 (对地方背景和时代详细的描述,以增加故事的真实性) 。 ~option/veto, (in some countries) system by which people may decide, by voting, whether they do or do not want sth. eg the sale of alcoholic drink, in their district. (某些国家) 地方人民的选择 (否决) 权 (例如决定是否应贩卖酒类) 。 ~ time, time at any place in the world as calculated from the position of the sun: 地方时: L ~ time changes by one hour for every 75 - longitude. 经度每差十五度当地时间就差一小时。 2 affecting a part, not the whole: 局部的: a ~ pain/injury; 局部疼痛 (伤害); a ~ anaesthetic. 局部麻醉剂。 /i 1 (usu pl) inhabitant of a particular district. (L'K 用复数) 当地人; 本地人。 2 item of ~ news in a newspaper. 地方新闻。 3 (colloq) ~ public house: (俗) 当地酒虑: pop into the ~ for a pint. 匆匆进入本地酒店去买一品脱酒。 ~ly/-kalx; -kali/ adv




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