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单词 赶尽杀绝

赶尽杀绝gǎn jìn shā jué

be ruthless; drive away and exterminate every one; finish all off (/com pletely); kill all; spare none; wipe out the whole lot
❍ 杨荫榆知道要做不成这校长,便文事用文士的 “流言”,武功用三河的老妈,总非将一班 “毛鸦头” ~不可。(鲁迅《华盖集续编·记谈话》 145) When Yang Yinyu knew she was going to lose her job,she tried first by craft through the “rumours”spread by the literatic,then by force through the women of Sanhe County,to drive out all those “silly girls” and destroy them.
❍ 姓赵的,你可别~! 招急了我,我真…… (《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》29) Zhao,don’t finish us off completely. If I’m driven too far I’ll…/取近例,则如清初的几个皇帝,民国二年后的袁世凯,对于异己者何尝不~。(鲁迅《庆祝沪宁克复的那一边》) To take some recent examples,didn’t the first few emperors of the Qing Dynasty and Yuan Shikai after the second year of the republic hound and wipe out all who opposed them?/这朋友好不知进退,我让着你,不肯伤你。又何必~?(鲁迅《中国小说史略》245) What insolence! Here am I on the defensive so as not to hurt you—why should you press so hard?

赶尽杀绝ɡǎn jìn shā jué

驱逐干净,彻底消灭。比喻为人歹毒,不留余地。spare none, be ruthless, kill all, wipe out the whole lot, destroy entirely without remainder





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