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单词 live
释义 live2 /liv; Iiv/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A] have existence as a plant or animal; be alive (the more usu phrase: He's still alive is preferable to He still ~s 生存; 活着 (be alive 较 live 常用, 例如: He's still alive 较 He still lives 常用) 。 2 [VP2A, B, C, 4A] continue to be alive; remain alive: 继续活着; 继痛生存: ~ to be old/to a great age; 活到老 (高龄); ~ to see all one's grandchildren married. 话到看到自己的孙儿辈结婚。 She's very ill—the doctors don't think she will 她病得很重,医生们认为她不能活了。 Can he ~ through the night? 他能活得过今夜吗? ~ on, continue to ~: 继致活着: The old people died but the young people ~d on in the village. 村子里的老年人死了,但年轻人还继续活着 c ~ through. experience and survive: 经歴…而未死: He has ~d through two wars and three revolutions. 他亲历两次战争和三次革命。 You/We → and learn, phrase used when one hears sth new, esp sth surprising. 活到老讐到老。 ~ and 'let ~, be tolerant; ignore the failings of others in order that one's failings may be ignored. 待人要容忍; 待人寛容如待己。 3 [VP3A] ~ by doing sth, earn one's livelihood by doing it. 以…为生。 ~ by one's wits, get money by ingenious and irregular methods, not necessarily honest. 穽小聪明过日子 (以机敏和不合常规的方法,但不一定是诚实的方法赚钱度日) 。 ~ off the land, use its agricultural products for one's food needs. 以农产品为食。 ~ on sth, have it as food or diet: 以…为冬: ~ on fruit/a milk diet; 以水果 (规定的乳类饮食) 为食; depend upon for support, etc: 靠 … 过活: ~ on one's salary/on £3000 a year/on one's wife's income. 靠薪金 (一年三千镑,妻子的收入) 过活。 ~ on one's name/reputation, keep one's position, continue to earn money, because one has been successful in the past. 弹应的名声过活 (由于过去有成就,故能继续保持职位或赚钱度日) 。 4 [VP2C, 3A] ~ (in/at), make one's home; reside: 居; 住: ~ in England; 住在英国; ~ at home; 住在家里; ~ abroad; 居于国外; ~ in lodgings/an hotel. 住在寄宿舍 (旅馆) 。 Where do you ~? 你住在那里? ~ in/out, (esp of domestic servants, shop assistants, workers) lodge in / out of the building where one is employed. (; t 指仆人,店员,工人) (不) 住在主人家; (不) 住在工作处。 ~ together, live in the same house, etc; (of two persons of opposite sex) live as if married: 住在一起; (指异性) 同居: I hear that Jane and Bill are living together. 我听说珍和比尔目前同居在一起。 5 [VP6B, 2D] (with cognate object) spend, pass, experience: (与同源宾语连用) 过; 度画: ~ a happy life/a virtuous life; 过快乐的 (有德性的) 生活; ~ a double life, act two different parts in life. 过双重生活。 He ~d the life of a Christian. 他过着童督徒的生活。 He ~d and died a bachelor. 他终生亲耍。 6 [VP2C, D] conduct oneself; pass one's life in a specified way: 处身; 做人; 以某种方式生活: ~ honestly/happily; 诚实地 (快乐地) 生活; ~ like a saint; 像圣徒一般生活; ~ well, live a life satisfying all the appetites. 生活优裕。 ~ a lie, express a lie by one's manner of living. 过虚伪的生活。 ~ to oneself, in isolation, without trying to make friends. 过孤独的生活。 7 [VP15B] ~ sth down, live in such a way that (past guilt, scandal, foolishness, etc) is forgotten: 过新的生活以忘却 (往日的罪恶,丑行,愚昧等): He hopes to ~ down the scandal caused by the divorce proceedings. 他希望借新的生活忘却那因离婚而引起的丑闻。 [VP2C] ~ up to sth, put (one's faith, principles, etc) into practice; reach the standard that may be expected: 实行 (信仰,主义等); 达到预期的标准: It's difficult to ~ up to the principles of the Christian religion. 实行基督敎的敎条是困难的。 He didn't ~ up to his reputation. 他的生活与他的名声不符。 [VP3A] ~ with sth, accept and endure it: 接受并忍受某事物: I don't like the noise of these jet aircraft, but I've learnt to ~ with it. 我厌恶这些喷射机的噪音,但我已学会去忍受它了。 8 [VP2A] (of things without life) remain in existence; survive: (指无生命的东西) 金续存在; 仍在: His memory will always ~, He will never be forgotten. 他将永远被人记得。 No ship could ~ in such a rough sea. 任向血只都不能在这汹涌的海上安然航行。 9 [VP2A] enjoy life intensely: 享受人生: 7 want to ~ ',she said, 7 don't want to spend my days cooking and cleaning and looking after babies:'我要享受人生 ,' 她说,'我不要把我的日子花费在烧饭,淸洗和照顾孩子上。 ‘ ~ it up, live a life of hectic enjoyment. 享受人生。




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