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单词 literal
释义 literal /'IltsrsI; 'litaral/ adj 1 connected with, expressed in, letters of an alphabet: 与字母有关的; 用字母表达的: 0 ~ error, a misprint. 字母上的错误(印刷错误)。 2 corresponding exactly to the original: 完全按照原文的: a ~ transcript/copy of an old manuscript; 一旧稿的精确的誊本; a ~ translation. 直译。 (Cf 参较 free translation.) 3 (contrasted with figurative) taking words in their usual and obvious sense, without allegory or metaphor: figurative相对)按照字义的; 不是讽喻或比喻的: I hear nothing in the ~ sense of the word, (ie of the word 'hear') get no news by hearing people speak (though I may get news from letters, etc). 我并未'听'到什么(不过我也许自书信等中知道的)。 4 (of a person) prosaic; matter of fact; lacking in imagination: (指人)平凡的; 求实际的; 无想像力的: He has a rather — mind. 他的头脑没有什么想像力。 n ~ error; misprint. 字母上的错误; 印刷错误。 ~ly /'litarali; 'litsrsd/ adv 1 word for word; strictly: 逐字地; 严格地: translate ~ly; 直译; 逐字翻译; carry out orders too ~Zy. 过份严格执行命令。 2 (infor-mal use, to intensify meaning) without exaggeration: (非正式用法,以加强含义)不夸张地; 简直: The children were ~ly starving. 孩子们简直是在挨饿。




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