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单词 赤胆忠心

赤胆忠心chì dǎn zhōng xīn

ardent loyalty; be completely dedicated (/loyal) to; loyal and valiant;trueblue; unswerving (/wholehearted) dedication;utter devotion
❍ 杨子荣稍微迟疑了一下,他跟中射出严肃而坚定的光芒,“我相信我对党对人民的~。”(曲波《林海雪原》 185) Zirong paused,then said with flashing eyes,"I'm completely dedicated to the Party and the people.”/那平姑娘又是个正经人,从不会挑三窝四的,倒一味忠心赤腮伏侍他,所以才容下了。(《红楼梦》 854)Pinger's really a good sort. Instead of holding this against her or stirring up trouble between husband and wife,she's completely loyal to her mistress-that's why she's kept on.
❍ 众僧闻得此言,人人称羡,个个宣扬,都叫一声“忠心赤胆大大阐法师!”(《西游记》170) When the various monks heard this statement,everyone congratulated and commended him,saying,"A loyal and reliant master!"

赤胆忠心chì dǎn zhōnɡ xīn

赤:忠诚。形容万分忠诚。trueblue, whole heartedness, ardent loyalty,utter devotion





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