释义 |
赤chìⅠ ❶ (红色) red: ~ 小豆 red bean; 面红耳 ~ get red in the face;be flushed (with excitement,shame or shyness) ❷ (忠诚) loyal;sincere;single-hearted: ~ 心 loyalty;sincerity ❸ (光着;露着) bare: ~ 背 barebacked;~ 身露体 naked Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 平 Chi Ping ◆赤壁鏖兵 the Battle of Chibi in ancient times; 赤膊 barebacked; 赤膊上阵 go into battle stripped to the waist — act undisguisedly;come out into the open;come out pugnaciously;come out without any disguise;step forward in person [take the field oneself] without any disguise;strip off all disguises [subterfuge] and come to the fore;throw away all disguise; 赤诚 absolute sincerity;singleness of heart; 赤胆忠心 utter devotion;wholeheartedness;a red heart of complete dedication;exceedingly faithful;extreme loyalty;fervid loyalty;loyal heart (of sb.);loyalty;whole-hearted dedication; 赤道 {地} the equator;{天} (天球赤道) the celestial equator; 赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea; 赤地千里 a thousand li of barren land — a scene of utter desolation (after drought,pests,etc.);a thousand li of parched land;a thousand miles of cracked,parched and deserted land;Barren lands extend over thousands of miles.;For hundreds of miles around there was no cultivation.;For thousands of li wide stretches of land became a sterile wilderness.;Villages for hundreds of miles were laid waste.; 赤豆 (亦称“小豆赤小豆”) Phaseolus anagularis;red bean; 赤褐色 russet; 赤红 crimson; 赤狐 red fox;vulpe; 赤脚 barefoot; 赤金 pure gold;solid gold; 赤经 {天} right ascension; 赤口毒舌 speak bitingly;slander venomously; 赤痢 {中医} dysentery characterized by blood in the stool; 赤磷 red phosphorus; 赤露 bare; 赤裸裸 without a stitch of clothing;stark-naked;undisguised;naked;out-and-out;unadorned; 赤霉素 gibberellin; 赤贫 in abject [extreme] poverty;(utterly) destitute;dire poverty; 赤日炎炎 broiling [scorching] sun; 赤芍 中药 radix paeoniae rubrathe (unpeeled) root of common peony; 赤身露[裸]体 strip oneself naked;naked to the waist;in one's birthday suit;in the nude;not wearing a stitch;(stark) naked;in a state of nature; 赤手空拳 bare-handed;unarmed;have only empty [bare] hands;with naked [bare] fists;empty-handed; 赤松 {植} Pinus densiflora;Japanese red pine;a surname; 赤陶[土] terra-cotta; 赤条条 have not a stitch on;be stark-naked; 赤铁矿 (三氧化二铁) haematite;bloodstone;(red) hematite;red ocher;red [rhombohedral] iron ore;sanguine;anhydroferrite; 赤铜矿 cuprite red [octahedral;ruby] copper ore;zigueline; 赤纬 {天} declination; 赤卫队 Red Guards; 赤县神州 the Divine Land — another name for China; 赤小豆 (统称“赤豆”) phaseolus calcaratus;red bean;red phaseolus bean;semen phaseoli; 赤血盐 {化}(铁氰化钾) red prussiate of potash;red potassium prussiate;potassium ferricyanide; 赤眼蜂 trichogramma; 赤子 newborn baby; 赤子之心 the innocent heart of a child — utter innocence;the pure heart of a newborn babe ;man's natural kindness; 赤字 {经} deficit; 赤足 with bared feet |