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单词 赏罚分明

赏罚分明赏罚严明shǎng fá fēn míng

be strict and fair in meting out rewards and punish ments; give rewards and punishments impartially;not hesitate to award or punish sb when he deserves it; play fair with
❍ 也只有这样,才能真正做到~。(《周恩来选集》上—316) Only thus is it possible to be fair in giving rewards and punishments.
❍ 我们的特别奖励规则却是要立刻实行,好让工人们先知道我们是~,谁的本事好,不偷懒,谁就可以抓大把的钱!(茅盾《子夜》355)But the bonus system should not be introduced with delay,so that the workers realize that we’re playing fair with them and that those who are more highly skilled and who work hard can earn a nice fat pay check!

赏罚分明shǎnɡ fá fēn mínɡ

奖赏和处罚十分清楚。be strict and fair in melting out rewards and punishments, settle on the principle rewards and punishments





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