Ⅰ (商人) merchant: 书 ~ bookseller Ⅱ ❶ (做买卖) engage in trade;do business:多财善 ~。 Plenty of capital makes it easy to trade. ❷ (买) buy ❸ [书] (卖) sell:余勇可 ~ still having plenty of fight left in one ❹ [书] (招致;招引) bring about;lead to:~ 祸 court disaster [misfortune] 另见 see also jiǎ。
❶ (古国名) a state in ancient China ❷ [书] (鹰的一种) a kind of hawk ❸ (姓氏)a surname: ~ 岛 Jia Dao 另见 see alsoɡǔ。