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单词 limit
释义 limit1 /'limit; 'limit/ n [C] line or point that may not or cannot be passed; greatest or smallest amount, degree, etc of what is possible: 界线; 边界; 界限; (最大或最小的)极限; 限度: within the city ~s, boundaries; 在该城界线内; within a ~ of five miles/a five-mile ~. 在五哩内。 We must set a ~ to the expense of the trip, fix a sum not to be exceeded. 我们必须对这次旅行的费用定一个限度。 As we grow older we learn the ~s of our abilities, learn what we can do and what we cannot do. 当我们的年龄渐长时,我们就会知道自己能力的限度。 His greed knows no ~s. 他的贪心是无止境的。 There is a to my patience. 我的耐心是有限度的。 She reached the ~ of her patience. 她已达痢忍耐的极限。 within ~s, in moderation: 适度地; 寿限度地: I'm willing to help you, within ~s. 我愿意有破度地帮助你。 without ~, to any extent or degree: 无限地; 无限制地: If only the banks would lend money without ~ !但愿银行能无限制地贷款! off ~s,(US) (美) → out of bounds. cbound1. That's the ~, (colloq) that is as much as (or more than) can be tolerated. (俗)无法再忍耐了。 'age ~ n agel) given as a ~ for participation in an activity, etc. 年龄限制。




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