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单词 limit
释义 limit2 /'limit; 'limit/ vt [VP6A, 14] ~ sb/sth (to sth), put a limit or limits to; be the limit of: 限制; 限定; 作为…的界限: must ~ the expense to what we can afford. 我们必须限制开销不超出我们经济能力的范围。 I shall ~ myself to three aspects of the subject. 我将限制自己就三方面讨论此问题。 ~ed pp small; restricted; narrow: 少的; 有限制的; 有限的; 狭小的: a ~ed edition, one ~ed to a specified number of copies. 发行有限的版本。 Our accommodation is very ~ed. 我们 再南地方极为有限。 He seems to have only a ~ej intelligence. 他的智力似乎有限。 '~ed Jia'bility company, (abbr 略作 Ltd, placed after the name 置于名称之后) business company whose members are liable for its debts only to the extent of the capital sum they have provided. 股份有限公司。 ,~ed 'monarchy, one that is restricted by the constitution. 君主土宪政体。 absolute(2). ~less adj without ~: 无界限的; 无限制的: the ~less ocean; 茫茫大海; a dictator whose ambitions were ~less. 有无限野心的殉裁者。




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