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单词 费尽心机

费尽心机fèi jìn xīn jī

beat (/ransack)one’s brains (about/with); cudgel one’s brains (/wits);go to great pains to; have done all one can; make every effort; make painstaking efforts; tax one’s ingenuity; rack one’s brains (in scheming); take great pains; try by every conceivable means
❍ 我~,半点出气的理儿也没弄出来。(《高玉宝》109) Hard as I tried,I couldn’t get a handle against them.
❍ 我费尽一切心机来对付你,都为的是怕你要分家,你怎么就偏提出这个来? (赵树理《三里湾》149) Here I’ve done all I could just to stop you from breaking away,and you pop up with this!/那大意也并不可怕,不过说: 我们不必再去~,学说古代的死人的话,要说现代的活人的话。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—15) All we want is this; instead of overtaxing our brains to learn the speech of men long since dead,we should speak that of living men.
❍ 近来,老松田又屁股不离皮转椅,挖空脑子,~地捉摸对付武工队的办法来。(冯志《敌后武工队》184) Recently,Matsuda had stuck to his leather-covered swivel chair racking his brains for a way to deal with the work team.


rack one’s brains

费尽心机fèi jìn xīn jī

心机:心思。用尽了心思。rack one’s brains in scheming, puzzle over sth., beat one’s braim about sth., exhaust all mental efforts





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