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Ⅰ ❶ (费用) fee;expense;expenditure;dues;charge:经 ~ expenses;expenditure;
免 ~ free of charge;
医药 ~ medical costs;
车 ~ fare;
学 ~ tuition fee;tuition;
生活 ~ living expenses
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 无极 Fei Wuji Ⅱ (花费;耗费) cost;expend;spend;waste:浪 ~ waste [spend] extravagantly;
白 ~ labour in vain;
破 ~ cost (you) money (to provide dinner,etc.);
枉~ 口舌 just waste breath Ⅲ (耗费大) wasteful;consuming too much;expending sth. too quickly:电热器用电太 ~。An electric heater consumes too much electricity. 孩子们穿鞋很 ~。Children wear shoes quickly.
◆费边 Fabian;
费边社会主义 Fabian socialism;
费边主义 Fabianism;
费工 take a lot of work;require a lot of labor;
费工[功]夫 take time and energy;be time-comsuming;
费话 do a lot of talking;
费解 hard to understand;obscure;unintelligible;
费尽喉舌 do a lot of talking;have wasted all one's breath;
费尽心机 tax one's ingenuity;beat [ransack] one's brains about [with] ...;cudgel [rack] one's brains [wits];exhaust all mental efforts;exhaust one's abilities;rack one's brains (in scheming);take great pains to ...;
费尽心力 make [have] much ado about ...;
费尽心血 spend [shed] one's blood;
费劲 need or use great effort;be strenuous;
费九牛二虎之力 make Herculean efforts;involve a tremendous lot of work [effort];laborious to the utmost;spend an immense amount of energy;strain oneself to the limit;
费口舌 require a lot of talking;require a lot of arguing;
费力 need or use great effort;be strenuous;
费米 Ferm;{物} fermi;
费钱 cost a lot;be costly;
费人思索 exhaust one's mind to think;
费舌劳唇 talk oneself out of breath;
费神 [套] may I trouble you (to do sth.);would you mind (doing sth.);demand care [attention];cause mental fatigue;
费时 take time;be time-consuming;
费时费力 waste time and energy;
费事 give or take a lot of trouble;
费手脚 take much handwork and footwork;take much physical labour;
费心 give a lot of care;take a lot of trouble;[套] may I trouble you (to do sth.);would you mind (doing sth.);
费心劳力 take a lot of trouble;
费用 cost;expenses;outlay





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