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单词 likeness
释义 likeness /'laikms; Uaiknis/ n 1 [U] resemblance; being like: 相似; 相像: I can't see much ~ between the two boys. 我看不出这两个男孩子有多少相似。 in the ~ of, in the form, shape or external appearance of. 状似; 貌似。 2 [C] point of resemblance; instance of being like: 相袱点; 相似的实例: There's a family - in all of them. 他们之间有一种家族的相似之处。 3 [C] representation (in a portrait, picture, photograph, etc): 肖像; 金像; 相片: The portrait is a good ~. 这金像很像本人。




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