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单词 like
释义 like1 /laik; laik/ adj alike, (used attrib and pred) similar; having the same or similar qualities, etc; having a resemblance: (可做形容用法和敍述用法)相似的; 同样的: The two girls are very ~. 这两个女孩子很相似。 (ie similar) causes produce ~ (ie similar) results. 相似的原因产生相似的结果。 He writes well on this and ~ subjects. 他对于这个和类似的题目写得很好。 They are as ~ or two peas. 他们一模一样。 L~ father, ~ son; ~ master, ~ man, (prov) As the one is, so the other will be. (A) 有其父必有其子; 有其主必有其仆。 'minded /'maindid; 'maindid/ adj having the same tastes, aims, etc, 志趣相投的。 adv 1 ~ as, (archaic) in the same manner as. (古)如同。 2 probably: 大概:(only in) (仅用于) ~ enough; most/very ~; as ~ as not, very probably (likely is more usu, → likely(2)). 大槪; 很可能 (likely 较常用,参看 likely 第 2 义)。 conj 1 as (common use among those who have not been taught to avoid it; considered incorrect, but found in many good writers): (用作 as) 像; 如(为不知避免此种用法的人所常用, 此用法被认为不正确,但许多好的作者也这样用): She can't cook ~ her mother does. 她烹饪的技术不如她的母亲。 Don't think you can learn grammatical rules ~ you learn the multiplication tables. 不要以为你学习文法规则就像背乘法表一样。 2 (non standard use) as if: (不标准的用法,用作 as if) 仿佛: It rained ~ the skies were falling. 雨下得就像天要塌下来的样子。 1 ~ person or thing; that which is equal or similar to sth else: 相似的人或事物; 与他物相等或相似之物: That was acting, the ~ of which we shall not see again, We shall not see acting equally good. 我们再也看不到那样好的演技了。 Music, painting and the ~, and similar branches of the arts. 音乐、绘画等等。 I never heard the ~ (of it), anything so strange, etc according to context. 我从案听说过这种事(这样奇怪的事等,视上下文而定)。 2 the ~s of, (colloq) person(s), thing(s), similar to: (俗)类似的人、物等: the ~s of us/them. 与我们(他们)类似的人。 Have you ever seen the ~s of this? 你看到过和这个相同的吗? prep 1 (Often governing a pron, n, or gerund-, originally ~ to/unto, this being now archaic or poet) such as; resembling: (常用于代名词、名词或动名词之前; 最初 like 后接 to 或 unto 的用法,现已作废或仅用于诗中)像; 如; 似: What is he ~? What sort of person is he—in looks, behaviour, etc, according to the situation? 他是个什么样的人? He was wearing a hat rather ~ this one. M 戴着一顶很像这一顶的帽子。 It looks ~ gold, has the appearance of gold. 它看来像是金子。 This is nothing ~ as good, not nearly so good. 这个差多了。 nothing ~, nothing to equal; nothing to be compared with: 无物能及; 无物能与之相比: There's nothing ~ (= nothing as good as) leather. 没有比皮革更好的亍。 There's nothing ~ walking as a means of keeping fit. 做为保持健康的方法,没有比散步更好的了。 something —, nearly; about: 几乎; 大约; 有点像: The cost will be something ~ five pounds. 费界约为五镑。 This is something '~ a dinner! This is a remarkably good or satisfactory dinner! U 才像是一顿盛餐! 2 'feel ~, be in a state or mood right or suitable for: 适于; 心情适合; 想要: Do you feel ~ having a rest? 你想休点吗? She felt ~ crying. 她想哭。 We'll go for a walk if you feel ~ it. 如果你想散歩,我们就去吧。 '1 。 = ~. look as if sb/it might be (used to show probability or likelihood): 好像; 似乎: He looks ~ winning, It seems likely that he will win. 他好像要胜了。 It looks ~ being a fine day, Appearances suggest that the day will be fine. 天女好像不错《 It looks ~ rain. 好像要下雨。 3 characteristic of: 表现出…之特点的: That's just ~ him! He has behaved, spoken, etc just as one would expect! 那正像他那宿人! It's (just) ~ her to think of others before thinking of herself. 先想到别人再想到贝己,道正像她的为人。 4 in the manner of; to th—same degree as: 様; 像 →= 样: Dont talk ~ that, in that way. 不要弟粮说话。 If I were to behave ~ you... , in the way you behave.... 如果我的行为像你一样,…。 If everyone worked me,.... 如果每一个人都像我一桡的工作 ,…。It fits him ~ a glove, closely, tightly. 它怡好适合于他。 He drinks ~ a fish. 他喝酒喝得很凶。 6 (colloq, sl) (G anything, as hard, etc as can be expected or imagined: 极其努力等; 非常: She works ~ anything when she's interested. 她有兴趣时工作非常努力。 ~ mad/crazy, as if crazy: 像嫔狂一般地; 猛烈地: He complains ~ mad when things go wrong. 事情不对劲的时候,他猛烈地抱怨。 ~ hell/blazes, a furiously; energetically: 猛烈地; 奋力地: He moans ~ hell when he loses a bet. 他赌输了便猛烈地抱怨。 b (as an int) of course (not)!: (作为感叹词)当金不 !: 'But you were there, weren't you?' ~ hell, I was!' I certainly wasn't! '但是你在那里, 是不是? '’ 我当然没有在那里!'




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