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❶ (粘贴) stick; paste; glue: ~ 邮票 stick on a stamp; 请勿张 ~! Stick no bills! 他们把一张布告 ~ 在墙上。 They have pasted up a notice on the wall. 我用什么把这个 ~ 上去呢? What can I stick this on with?
❷ (紧挨) nestle up to; snuggle up to: 脸 ~ 脸 face rubbing against face; ~ 墙站着 stand against the wall; 孩子紧 ~ 着母亲。 The child snuggled up to his mother.
❸ (贴补) subsidize; help financially: 由国家补 ~ be subsidized by the state Ⅱ (津贴) allowance; subsidies: 车 ~ traffic allowance; 房 ~ housing allowance Ⅲ (服从; 顺从) submissive; obedient Ⅳ (用于膏药): 一 ~ 膏药 a piece of medicated plaster
◆贴本 lose money in a business; 贴边 facing; hem; padding; seam; welt; 贴标签机 label(l)er; 贴饼子 bake corn or millet cakes on a pan; baked corn; millet cakes; 贴补 subsidize; subsidy; help (out) financially; help with money; 贴风行驶 half board; 贴膏剂 emplastrum; 贴膏药 [方] force on; 贴合 fit; seat; plying-up; 贴花 appliqué; 贴换 trade sth. in; trade-in; 贴金 cover with gold leaf; gild; touch up; prettify; 贴金漆 {化} gold size; 贴近 press close to; nestle up against; lean close to; 贴面 wainscot; 贴墙面砖 {建} wall tile; 贴钱 pay out of one's own pocket (especially when one is not supposed to); 贴切 apt; suitable; appropriate; felicitous; proper; 贴色玻璃 flashed glass; 贴上 tag; facade; 贴上标记 mark; 贴身 next to the skin; personal; 贴水日 marking- up day; 贴题 relevant; pertinent; to the point; 贴息 {商} pay interest in the form of a deduction when selling a bill of exchange, etc.; in terest so deducted; discount; 贴现 discount; 贴现市场 discount market; 贴心 intimate; close; 贴心贴意 amiable and obliging; 贴印法 reflex printing; 贴着药 adnate anther







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