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❶ (穷) poor; impoverished: ~ 无立锥之地 utterly destitute; in extreme poverty; 他一 ~ 如洗。 He is as poor as a church mouse.
❷ (缺少; 不足) inadequate; deficient: ~ 油国 oil-poor country; country poor in oil
❸ [方] (絮叨可厌) garrulous; loquacious: 他的嘴真 ~。 He is really too garrulous.
◆贫病交集 sick and in straits; 贫病交迫 suffering from both poverty and sickness; be beset by poverty and illness; sick as well as poor; suffer from poverty and illness; be a prey to poverty and ill health; 贫病相连 Poverty and sickness are closely connected with.; 贫不择妻 The poor can't choose wives; 贫乏 poor; meagre; thin; short; lacking; 贫富不均 too much difference between the rich and the poor; 贫富悬殊 extreme disparity between the rich and the poor; polarization of the rich and the poor; the gulf between the rich and the poor; the wide gap between the rich and the poor; 贫雇农 poor peasants and farm labourers; 贫寒 poor; poverty-stricken; 贫化 {矿} dilution; {核子} depletion; impoverishment; 贫瘠 poor; barren; infertile; infertility; 贫贱 poor and lowly; in straitened and humble circumstances; 贫困地区 the poor region; 贫困户 the poverty household; 分困县 impoverished county; 贫困线 poverty line; 贫窭 [书] poor; impoverished; 贫苦 poor; poverty-stricken; badly off; impoverished; 贫矿 lean ore; low grade ore; borasca; 贫困 poor; impoverished; poverty-stricken; in straitened circumstances; 贫困潦倒 be on the beach [rocks]; be broke and out of a job; be broke to the wide [world]; be penniless and frustrated; 贫民 poor people; pauper; 贫农 poor peasant;
贫气 stingy; miserly; mean; garrulous; loquacious; 贫穷 poor; needy; impoverished; privation; 贫穷落后 be poor and backward; impoverished and backward; 贫弱 poor and weak; miserable; 贫血 {医} anemia; anaemia; hypohemia; spanemia; hyphemia; 贫油 be poor in oil resources; lean oil; 贫嘴 garrulous; loquacious; 贫嘴薄舌 garrulous and sharp-tongued; talkative and bitterly sarcastic; 贫嘴贱舌 addicted [given] to senseless talk; disgustingly talkative; 贫嘴烂舌 have a caustic and flippant tongue; given to nasty talk; like to say nasty things about people; love to gossip





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