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单词 lift
释义 lift /lift; lift/ vr, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, B] raise to a higher level or position: 泉起; 珞起: ~ (up) a table; 抬起一桌子; ~ sth out of a box/a child out of his cot. 从箱中将某物抬出 (把小孩从小儿床中抱出) 。 This box is too heavy for me to ~ (it). 这痈子女重,我搬不动。 This piece of good luck ~ed her spirits. 这次幸运使她非常高兴。 ~ up on9's eyes (to...), look up (at). 向上看。 have one's face ~ed, have a face-lift; csacs' (2). 做面部拉皮 (使面部皮肤拉紧以消除皱纹) 。 not ~- finger, finger. ~ up one's voice, raise it, cry out. 高呼。 2 [VP2C] ~ off, (of a rocket, spacecraft) rise from the launching site. (指火箭、太空船) 升空; 发射。 Hence, 由此产生, '~off n: We have ~-off. 我们的火箭 (太空船) 升空了。 3 [VP2A] yield to an attempt to 被举起; 被抬起: This window won't ~, won't go up. 这窗子推不上去。 4 [VP2A] (of clouds, fog, etc) rise; pass away: (指云 ■ 等) 消散: The mist began to ~. 雾开始消散。 5 [VP6A] dig up (root crops); remove (plants, shrubs, etc) from the ground: 掘出 (块根作物); 掘除 (植物、灌木等): ~ potatoes. 掘马铃薯。 6 [VP6A] steal: 偷纲: ~ articles in a supermarket. 在一超级市场偷籍物件。 'shop—, cshop (1). take without permission or proper acknowledgement: 伦取; 剽窘 Long passages in that textbook have been ~ed from other authors. 那敎科书中几段长的文字系剽窥自其他作者。 7 [VP6A] end a ban, prohibition, blockade, siege. 解除 (禁令,封锁,包围) 。 (CJ 1 act of ~ing. 举起; 抬起。 give sb/get a ~, a offer sb/be offered a ride in a car or other vehicle: 让某人搭自己的车 (获得准许搭别人的 1'): Can you give me a ~ → the station? 你能让我搭你的车到车站 also air ~ at air1 (7). b (of a person's spirits) become/make more cheerful, contented: (指人的心情) 变为 (使) 更愉快、满足: The big increase in her salary gave -her a tremendous ~. 她的薪水大幅度增加使她极为振奋。 2 (US 美 = elevator) box-like apparatus in a building for taking people up or down to another floor: U梯: take the ~ to the tenth floor. 乗电梯至 I W, — MSN /-maen; -MSN/ n one who operates a ~.. 电梯管理员。




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