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单词 贪得无厌

贪得无厌tān dé wú yàn

be as greedy as a wolf;be insatiably acquisitive (/avaricious/covetous/gluttonous/rapacious/ravenous/vulturous)
❍ 凤姐本是~的人,如今被抄净尽,自然愁苦,又恐人埋怨,正是几不欲生的时候。(《红楼梦》1379) Xifeng was in satiably acquisitive.The loss of all her possessions had naturally cut her to the quick,in addition to which she had dreaded being held to blame and felt life was not worth living.
❍ 这个人心计毒辣、~,说要多少金条,就要多少,少一分钱也不买帐!(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》353) He’s a vicious,greedy devil. We had to give all the gold bars he asked for; he wouldn’t take a cent less!/俗话说得好,生姜越是老来越是辣,他骨节崚嶒的大手, 手指上的长甲, 他~的性子, 随着年岁的增长,更加残忍了! (梁斌《红旗谱》68) Well does the proverb say: Old ginger is the sharpest. Just as the nails on his gnarled hands grew longer,his greed grew more insatiable year by year!/乐正后夔取之,生伯封,实有豕心,贪婪无厌,分类无期,谓之封豕。(《左传·昭二十八年》 1562) The prince Kui,minister of music,married her,and she bore to him Bofeng,who in truth had the heart of a pig,insatiably covetous and gluttonous,quarrelsome and perverse without measure,so that men called him “the great Pig”.


be insatiably avaricious; insatiable greed

贪得无厌tān dé wú yàn

厌:满足。形容贪心非常重,不知道满足。be insatiably avaricious, as greedy as wolf, skin a flint, flay a flint, be greedy for gain





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