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❶ (欲望不满足; 求多) have an insatiable desire for; be greedy for: ~ 财 be greedy for money; ~ 玩 be too fond of play
❷ (片面追求; 贪图) hanker for [after]; seek; covet: ~ 便宜 keen on gaining petty gains Ⅱ ❶ (贪污) corrupt; venal
❷ (贪心) greedy; avaricious: ~ 念 covetous thoughts; 你可真 ~。 You are indeed greedy.
◆贪杯 be too fond of drink; 贪杯好赌 love wine and gambling; 贪杯好色 be fond of wine and women; be addicted to drink and sex; be addicted to wine and women; hanker after [for] wine and women; love to drink and be fond of women; 贪财害命 commit murder for money; 贪财好利 covet wealth and profits; 贪财丧生 perish from [due to] love of wealth; lose life in a desire for wealth; 贪财嗜杀 covet riches and have the desire to kill; 贪财受贿 be greedy for money and accept bribes; 贪吃懒做 be greedy of eating and lazy in doing work; lazy glutton; 贪大求全 go in [strive] for grandiose projects; 贪大求洋 crave for things big and foreign; go [hanker] after what is big and foreign; 贪得无厌 be insatiably avaricious; as greedy as wolf; be greedy of gain; be insatiably greedy; flay [skin] a flint; skin a flea for the [its] hide; voracious; with one's avarice knowing no bounds; 贪多反[必]失 Grasp all, lose all.; All covet, all lose.; Dogs that put up many hares kill none.; Too much water drowned the miller.; 贪多坏事 (He) has grasped too much and ruined the whole affair.; 贪多嚼不烂 You bit off so big a mouthful that you were unable to chew it.; Big mouthfuls often choke.; bite more than one can digest; bite off more than one can chew; have too much on one's plate; If one spreads oneself out too thin, one can achieve little.; 贪多求快 place undue emphasis on quantity and speed; 贪多务得 be greedy of much and determined to meet one's desires; greedy and acquisitive; Much wants more.; 贪夫殉财 die of an inordinate desire for wealth; The greedy die in search of wealth.; 贪高驾远 run after high position or far-off things; 贪官污吏 corrupt officials; corrupt and evil officials; covetous and mean officials; filthy officials; the venal officials and avaricious subordinates; 贪贿 practise graft; take bribes; 贪贿害民 injure the people and squeeze money; 贪贿枉法 receive a bribe and distort the law; embezzle money and break the law; take bribes and pervert the laws; 贪贿无艺 take bribes insatiably; know no bounds in graft and bribery; set oneself no bounds to graft and bribery; 贪爵慕位 coveting rank and admiring position; 贪婪 [书] avaricious; greedy; rapacious; 贪婪成性 Avarice becomes a second nature.; 贪婪如狼 greedy as a pig; wolfish greed; 贪婪丧生 fall a victim to one's own avarice; 贪婪无厌 insatiably covetous and gluttonous; Avarice knows no bounds.; 贪恋 be reluctant to leave; can't bear to part with; be unwilling to part with; hate to leave; cling to; 贪便宜 anxious to get things on the cheap; keen on gaining petty advantages; 贪青 (of crops) remaining green when it is due to become yellow and ripe; 贪生 cravenly cling to life; care for nothing but saving one's skin; 贪生怕死 cravenly cling to life instead of braving death; afraid to risk one's neck; be mortally afraid of death; care for nothing but saving one's skin; cling to life not withstanding dishonour; cowardly; cling to life and fear death; prefer life to dishonour; 贪食 lycorexia; adephagia; 贪天之功 lay claim to what one has done nothing to deserve; have inordinate ambitions; 贪天之功据为己有 appropriate to oneself the meritorious services of others; arrogate to oneself the credit of others; credit other people's achievements to oneself; shamelessly take all the credit for [to] oneself; take credit for the achievements of others; take credit to oneself; take the credit of other people's achievements for oneself; 贪图 seek; hanker after; covet; 贪图安乐 seek ease and comfort; desire for an easy and comfortable life; crave for (a life of) ease and comfort; love of personal comfort; want to sit pretty all the time; 贪图安逸 hanker after [for] an easy and comfortable life; seek ease and comfort; 贪图便利 choose the easy way; 贪图富贵 desire wealth and honour greatly; 贪图口腹 pamper one's appetite; 贪图享乐[受] love of pleasure; indulge in a life of pleasure and comfort; 贪图小利 be greedy for small gains; seek (for) trifling advantages; 贪污 corruption; graft; embezzlement; embezzle; 贪污成风 Graft and corruption have become a common practice.; 贪污成风, 廉耻扫地 Officials become habitual grafters without any sense of shame or decency.; 贪污盗窃 engage in graft and theft; embezzle and steal (what belonged to the state); embezzlement and theft; engage in embezzlement; graft and theft; 贪污渎职 corrupt and negligent about one's duties; 贪污腐化 corruption and degeneration; graft and corruption; 贪污受贿 embezzle money and engage in corrupt practices; guilty of corruption and accepting bribes; 贪污行贿 take graft or commit bribery; 贪污坐赃 guilty of corruption and accepting bribes; 贪小 greedy for small gains or profits; 贪小便宜 covet little advantage; covetous of small gains; greedy for small advantages






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