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单词 货物运输

货物运输huò wù yùn shūFreight Transport

班轮 [bān lún] liner; packet ship
包装单 [bāo zhuānɡ dān] packing list
包装货物 [bāo zhuānɡ huò wù] packed cargo
保价货物 [bǎo jià huò wù] insured cargo
保税货物 [bǎo shuì huò wù] bonded cargo
笨大货物 [bèn dà huò wù] bulky goods
不定期船 [bú dìnɡ qī chuán] tramp; tramper
不合格货物 [bù hé ɡé huò wù] disqualified goods
不流通提单 [bú liú tōnɡ tí dān] non-negotiable B/L
不清洁提单 [bú qīnɡ jié tí dān] unclean B/L
不准转运 [bù zhǔn zhuǎn yùn] no transhipment permitted
部分陆运与部分海运运输 [bù fèn lù yùn yǔ bù fèn hǎi yùn yùn shū] part land and part sea transit
残损货物 [cán sǔn huò wù] damaged cargo
超长货物 [chāo chánɡ huò wù] long/lengthy goods
超程运费 [chāo chénɡ yùn fèi] distance freight
超重 [chāo zhònɡ] overweight
超重货物 [chāo zhònɡ huò wù] heavy package/lift
超载货物 [chāo zài huò wù] overloaded cargo
陈旧提单 [chén jiù tí dān] stale B/L
尺寸单 [chǐ cùn dān] dimensions list
出发港 [chū fā ɡǎnɡ] port of departure
出发日期 [chū fā rì qī] date of sailing/departure
储运 [chǔ yùn] received for shipment
船边交货 [chuán biān jiāo huò] free-alongside-ship (FAS)
船期表 [chuán qī biǎo] list of sailings; sailing schedule
船上交货 [chuán shànɡ jiāo huò] free-on-board (FOB)
船位拥挤 [chuán wèi yōnɡ jǐ] congestion of shipping space
大副收据 [dà fù shōu jù] mate’s receipt
代运业务 [dài yùn yè wù] forwarding operation
待领货物 [dài lǐnɡ huò wù] unclaimed cargo
待装船 [dài zhuānɡ chuán] received for shipment
单独海损 [dān dú hǎi sǔn] average unless general; particular average
单独海损不赔 [dān dú hǎi sǔn bú péi] free of particular average
到达港 [dào dá ɡǎnɡ] port of arrival; destination port
到达口岸 [dào dá kǒu àn] destination port
抵达时间 [dǐ dá shí jiān] date and time of arrival
定期船条件 [dìnɡ qī chuán tiáo jiàn] berth terms
定期货船 [dìnɡ qī huò chuán] cargo liner
定期客货船 [dìnɡ qī kè huò chuán] passenger and cargo liner
定期邮船 [dìnɡ qī yóu chuán] mail liner; mailer
短卸货物 [duǎn xiè huò wù] short-landed cargo
短装货物 [duǎn zhuānɡ huò wù] short-shipped cargo
发货地国家 [fā huò dì ɡuó jiā] country of delivery
发货通知书 [fā huò tōnɡ zhī shū] consignment note
费用已付 [fèi yònɡ yǐ fù] charges paid
费用已预付 [fèi yònɡ yǐ yù fù] charges prepaid
分批装船 [fēn pī zhuānɡ chuán] partial shipment
公证书 [ɡōnɡ zhènɡ shū] notarization
共同海损 [ɡònɡ tónɡ hǎi sǔn] general average
惯驶航线 [ɡuàn shǐ hánɡ xiàn] usual route
贵重货物 [ɡuì zhònɡ huò wù] treasure and valuable goods
过境货 [ɡuò jìnɡ huò] transit cargo
海关发票 [hǎi ɡuān fā piào] customs invoice
海关监管货物 [hǎi ɡuān jiān ɡuǎn huò wù] goods under customs supervision
合同货物 [hé tónɡ huò wù] contract goods
回运货 [huí yùn huò] return cargo
货柜 [huò ɡuì] container
货柜装货物 [huò ɡuì zhuānɡ huò wù] container cargo
货价、保险、运费、佣金及利息 [huò jià bǎo xiǎn yùn fèi yònɡ jīn jí lì xī] cost, insurance, freight, commission & interest
货价、保险、运费及汇兑费 [huò jià bǎo xiǎn yùn fèi jí huì duì fèi] cost, insurance, freight & exchange (CIF & E)
货价、保险、运费及佣金 [huò jià bǎo xiǎn yùn fèi jí yònɡ jīn] cost, insurance, freight & commission (CIF & C)
货价、保险及运费 [huò jià bǎo xiǎn jí yùn fèi] cost, insurance & freight (CIF)
货价及保险 [huò jià jí bǎo xiǎn] cost & insurance (C & I)
货价及运费 [huò jià jí yùn fèi] cost & freight (C & F)
货物联运 [huò wù lián yùn] through-freight traffic
货载船位 [huò zài chuán wèi] cargo accommodation
基本险 [jī běn xiǎn] marine risk
集装箱 [jí zhuānɡ xiānɡ] container
记名提单 [jì mínɡ tí dān] order B/L
交货港 [jiāo huò ɡǎnɡ] port of delivery
经由第三国过境 [jīnɡ yóu dì sān ɡuó ɡuò jìnɡ] passage in transit through another country
净重 [jìnɡ zhònɡ] net weight
开航日期 [kāi hánɡ rì qī] sailing date
空白背书提单 [kònɡ bái bèi shū tí dān] blank endorsed B/L
快运货 [kuài yùn huò] express goods/cargo
冷冻货 [lěnɡ dònɡ huò] reefer/refrigerated goods
冷气货 [lěnɡ qì huò] air-cooled cargo
离岸价格 [lí àn jià ɡé] free-on-board (FOB)
联运提单 [lián yùn tí dān] through B/L
零批货 [línɡ pī huò] parcel of goods
领事签证发票 [lǐnɡ shì qiān zhènɡ fā piào] consular invoice
流通提单 [liú tōnɡ tí dān] negotiable B/L
漏损险 [lòu sǔn xiǎn] leakage
漏卸货物 [lòu xiè huò wù] over-carried cargo
轮船代理人 [lún chuán dài lǐ rén] shipping agent
裸装货 [luǒ zhuānɡ huò] nude cargo
毛重 [máo zhònɡ] gross weight
门到门服务 [mén dào mén fú wù] door-to-door service
免税货物 [miǎn shuì huò wù] duty-free goods
目的港 [mù dì ɡǎnɡ] port of destination (POD)
皮重 [pí zhònɡ] tare (weight)
平安险 [pínɡ ān xiǎn] free from particular average (FPA)
破损险 [pò sǔn xiǎn] breakage
起航港 [qǐ hánɡ ɡǎnɡ] port of sailing
启航日期 [qǐ hánɡ rì qī] date of sailing/departure
窃盗遗失 [qiè dào yí shī] theft, pilferage & non-delivery
轻泡货 [qīnɡ pào huò] light/measurement cargo
清洁提单 [qīnɡ jié tí dān] clean B/L
全部灭失险 [quán bù miè shī xiǎn] total loss only (TLO)
全险 [quán xiǎn] all risk (insurance)
绕航 [rào hánɡ] deviation; change of voyage
容积货物 [rónɡ jī huò wù] light/measurement cargo
商业发票 [shānɡ yè fā piào] commercial invoice
收货代理人 [shōu huò dài lǐ rén] receiving agent
收货单 [shōu huò dān] mate’s receipt
收货地国家 [shōu huò dì ɡuó jiā] country of destination
收货人 [shōu huò rén] consignee
收货人记名提单 [shōu huò rén jì mínɡ tí dān] straight B/L
受通知人 [shòu tōnɡ zhī rén] party to be notified
输出口岸 [shū chū kǒu àn] loading port
水陆联运 [shuǐ lù lián yùn] through transport by land and water; mixed traffic
水险 [shuǐ xiǎn] marine risk
水渍险 [shuǐ zì xiǎn] with particular average (WPA)
提单 [tí dān] bill of lading (B/L)
提单抄本 [tí dān chāo běn] non-negotiable B/L
体积吨 [tǐ jī dūn] measured ton
通知关系人 [tōnɡ zhī ɡuān xì rén] notified party
统一发票 [tǒnɡ yī fā piào] uniform invoice
投保单 [tóu bǎo dān] (risk) coverage note
退关货物 [tuì ɡuān huò wù] shut out cargo
托运人 [tuō yùn rén] shipper; consignor
托运物 [tuō yùn wù] consignment
危险货 [wēi xiǎn huò] dangerous/hazardous cargo
违法物品 [wéi fǎ wù pǐn] contraband (articles)
违禁物品 [wéi jìn wù pǐn] contraband (articles)
误卸货物 [wù xiè huò wù] mis-discharged cargo
误装货物 [wù zhuānɡ huò wù] mis-shipped cargo
限制物品 [xiàn zhì wù pǐn] restricted articles
卸货船方免责 [xiè huò chuán fānɡ miǎn zé] free out unloading
卸货港 [xiè huò ɡǎnɡ] port of unloading/discharge
选择港 [xuǎn zé ɡǎnɡ] port of option; optional port
押运人 [yā yùn rén] supercargo
延滞日数 [yán zhì rì shù] days of demurrage
沿途停靠港 [yán tú tínɡ kào ɡǎnɡ] port of call
一次装船 [yí cì zhuānɡ chuán] one shipment
一切风险 [yí qiè fēnɡ xiǎn] all risk (insurance)
已完税货物 [yǐ wán shuì huò wù] duty-paid goods
已装船 [yǐ zhuānɡ chuán] on-board
应税物品 [yìnɡ shuì wù pǐn] dutiable goods
遇难港 [yù nàn ɡǎnɡ] port of distress
预定保单 [yù dìnɡ bǎo dān] open policy
预付运费 [yù fù yùn fèi] freight prepaid
预估启航期 [yù ɡū qǐ hánɡ qī] estimated time of departure (ETD)
预计抵达日期 [yù jì dǐ dá rì qī] estimated time of arrival (ETA)
原产地证明单 [yuán chǎn dì zhènɡ mínɡ dān] certificate of origin
远洋航运 [yuǎn yánɡ hánɡ yùn] ocean shipping
运费待收 [yùn fèi dài shōu] freight to be collected; freight forward
运费到收 [yùn fèi dào shōu] freight to be collected; freight forward
运费回扣 [yùn fèi huí kòu] freight rebate
运费已付 [yùn fèi yǐ fù] freight prepaid
运输代理人 [yùn shū dài lǐ rén] forwarding agent
运输委托书 [yùn shū wěi tuō shū] forwarding order
杂货 [zá huò] general cargo
载货容积吨数 [zài huò rónɡ jī dūn shù] measurement tonnage
在途中 [zài tú zhōnɡ] en route; in transit
战争险 [zhàn zhēnɡ xiǎn] war risk
丈量吨 [zhànɡ liánɡ dūn] measured ton
直达货 [zhí dá huò] through cargo
中途转运港 [zhōnɡ tú zhuǎn yùn ɡǎnɡ] port of transhipment; intermediate port
重货 [zhònɡ huò] deadweight cargo
重量不足 [zhònɡ liànɡ bù zú] underweight
重量单 [zhònɡ liànɡ dān] weight list
重量吨 [zhònɡ liànɡ dūn] weighted ton
转船货 [zhuǎn chuán huò] transhipment cargo
转船装运 [zhuǎn chuán zhuānɡ yùn] transhipment
转口货 [zhuǎn kǒu huò] transhipment cargo
转运提单 [zhuǎn yùn tí dān] transhipment B/L
转载货 [zhuǎn zài huò] transit cargo
装船单 [zhuānɡ chuán dān] shipping order
装船日期 [zhuānɡ chuán rì qī] shipping date
装船文件 [zhuānɡ chuán wén jiàn] shipping documents
装货港 [zhuānɡ huò ɡǎnɡ] loading port; port of loading
装货免装费 [zhuānɡ huò miǎn zhuānɡ fèi] free in term
装箱单 [zhuānɡ xiānɡ dān] packing list
装卸船方免责 [zhuānɡ xiè chuán fānɡ miǎn zé] free in & out term (FIO)
装卸费均免 [zhuānɡ xiè fèi jūn miǎn] free in & out term (FIO)
装运说明 [zhuānɡ yùn shuō mínɡ] forwarding instructions
装运条款 [zhuānɡ yùn tiáo kuǎn] shipment clause
装运通知 [zhuānɡ yùn tōnɡ zhī] shipping notice/advice
总重量 [zǒnɡ zhònɡ liànɡ] gross weight
最后停泊港 [zuì hòu tínɡ bó ɡǎnɡ] last port; port of last call


transportation of goods





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