❷responsibility for a fault or wrong;blame
如果搞不好,你要负~。If anything goes wrong,you’ll have to answer for it.or:you must be held responsible if anything goes wrong./我愿意承担事故的~。I am ready to take the blame for the accident.or:I admit my liability for the accident./地方政府有~帮助这些企业完成任务。It is incumbent upon the local government to help these enterprises to fulfil their tasks./对由此而产生的一切严重后果承担全部~bear full responsibility (or be held fully responsible) for all the serious consequences arising therefrom/国家~responsibility of state/应负~的原因responsible cause/岗位~制system of job responsibility/多种形式的生产~制diverse forms of responsibility system for production/家庭联产承包~制system of contracted responsibilities on the household basis with remuneration linked to output;contractual household responsibility system linking remuneration to output/负法律~ be held legally responsible/负起~shoulder one’s responsibility; act responsibly/尽~do one’s duty;fulfil one’s obligation/推卸~shift the blame onto others;shirk responsibility;pass the buck/追究~be called to account;ascertain where the responsibility lies/通知的~ duty to inform/注意的~ duty of care/过失赔偿~fault liability/层层负责,~落实hand down responsibilities to lower levels and individual persons/国有资产重大损失~追究制度system for assigning responsibility for major losses of state assets/~感(心)sense of responsibility(or duty)/~政府制responsible government/~归属attribution/~事故accident due to negligence of duty (or dereliction of duty);accident involving civil or criminal liability/~制responsibility system/~状responsibility pledge/~追究制度system of accountability/~编辑editor in charge;executive editor