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单词 负重致远

负重致远fù zhòng zhì yuǎn

bear (/carry) heavy burdens and travel long distances; shoulder heavy responsibilities
❍ 诸君颇闻刘景升不?有大牛重千斤,噉芻豆, 十倍于常牛, ~, 曾不若一羸牸。(刘义庆《世说新语·轻诋》) Have you gentlemen ever heard of Liu Biao?He owned a large ox weighing a thousand catties. It ate ten times as much fodder and beans as ordinary oxen,but when it came to bearing heavy burdens or traveling long distances,it wasn’t even the equal of a sick calf.
❍ 见陆绩、顾劭、全琮,而为之目曰: “陆子所谓驽马有逸足之用,顾子所谓驽牛可以~。” (刘义庆《世说新语·品藻》) After he had seen Lu Ji,Gu Shao,and Quan Zong,he made characterizations for them as follows: “Lu Ji might be called an old horse who has the capability for swiftness of foot; Gu Shao might be called an old ox who can carry heavy burdens and travel long distances.”

负重致远fù zhònɡ zhì yuǎn

负:背着;致:送到。背着重物走很远的路。比喻能够担负重任。be able to shoulder important tasks, shoulder heavy responsibilities





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