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单词 负荆请罪

负荆请罪fù jīng qǐng zuì

proffer a birch and ask for a flogging—offer a humble apology; apologize abjectly; apologize for one’s wrongdoing; be contrite and ask for pardon; carry a rod and ask to be spanked; confess one’s fault and ask for punishment
❍ 宝玉便笑道:“姐姐通今博古,色色都知道,怎么连这一出戏的名儿也知道,就说了这么一套。这叫做 ‘~’。” (《红楼梦》363) “Why cousin,” he cried,“surely you’re sufficiently well versed in ancient and modern lit erature to know the title of that opera. Why do you have to describe it? It’s called Abject Apologies.”/我不知道什么叫 “~”。(《红楼梦》363) I don’t know how to apologize abjectly.
❍ 倘使他到兄弟这里,兄弟自当力为排解,叫他到贵署去~。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》574) If he comes here,I’ll do my best to exercise my good offices and prevail upon him to apologize to you.
❍ 我今特来寻贤弟,~。(《水浒全传》580) I was now coming to find you,and was going to confess my fault.
❍ 布曰: “司徒不罪。布一时错见,来日自当负荆。”(《三国演义》69)“You were not so very wrong,” said Bu,“but for a time I had misunderstood you. I owe you an apology.”

负荆请罪fu jing qing zui

proffer a birch and ask for a flogging—offer a humble apology


proffer a birch and ask for a flogging—make a humble and heartfelt apology

负荆请罪fù jīnɡ qǐnɡ zuì

负:背着;荆:荆条。背上荆条去请罪。形容完全承认错误,请求对方惩罚。offer a humble apology, offer a birch and ask for a flogging, be contrite and ask for pardon





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