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Ⅰ ❶ (负担) burden;load: 如释重 ~ as if relieved of a heavy load
❷ (亏损) loss: 亏 ~ deficit;debt
❸ (失败) defeat: 胜 ~ 未卜 victory or defeat not yet decided;
不分胜 ~ end in a draw;end in a tie;break even;
该队以三胜一 ~ 的成绩取得小组第二名。 The team finished second in its group with three wins and one defeat. Ⅱ ❶ [书] (背) carry on the back or shoulder;bear: ~ 重荷 bear [carry] a heavy burden ;~ 薪 carry firewood on one's back
❷ (担负) shoulder;take on ;bear: ~ 责任 assume responsibility;
身 ~ 重任 shoulder an important task
❸(依仗;依靠) count on;rely on: ~ 固死战 fight hard by relying on strategic strength;~ 险固守 put up a stubborn defence by relying on one's strategic position;~ 隅依险 fight from high position back to cliffside
❹ (遭受) suffer: ~ 谤 be blamed;bear the blame;~ 屈 suffer an injustice;be wronged
❺ (享有) enjoy: 久 ~ 盛名 have long enjoyed a good reputation
❻ (亏欠;拖欠) bear debt;own: ~ 债 be in debt
❼ (背弃;违背) betray: 辜 ~ fail to live up to;~ 约 break a promise;
忘恩 ~ 义 be ungrateful;
有 ~ 众望 disappoint those who had hopes or confidence in a person
❽ (失败) lose;be defeated: ~ 于对手 lose the match Ⅲ ❶ (小于零的) negative;minus: ~ 角 negative angle;~号 negative sign;~一点五minus one point five(-1.5);~ 量 a minus quantity
❷ {电} (得到电子的) negative
◆负才不遇 meet with no chance to exercise one's talents;
负袋虫 sack-bearer;
负担 bear (a burden);shoulder;burden;load;encumbrance;freight;
负电 negative electricity;
负号 minus;minus sign;negative indication;negative sign;
负荷 {电} load;charge;weight;
负荷量 load capacity;capacity;payload;
负基数 negative base number;
负极 negative electrode;negative pole;negative terminal;negative plate;catelectrode;
负笈从师 shoulder one's satchel and go to one's teacher — to study abroad;carry a satchel and leave home to seek teachers;leave home to seek knowledge;
负笈求师 carry one's suitcase and go abroad as a student to seek a teacher;
负笈远游 study in a place far away from home;
负加法器 soft adder;
负加速度 {物} negative acceleration;
负角 {数} negative angle;
负结果 negative test;
负进位 negative carry;
负荆请罪 bearing the rod and willingly taking the punishment — to offer a humble apology;bare one's back to be threshed — to show contrition;bring a rod on one's back and ask for punishment;carry a rod and ask to be spanked;carry a rod on one's back and ask for punishment;make a humble apology;make an abject apology;make to apologize for wrongdoing;the deepest possible apology one can make to another;
负咎引退 bear the consequence (of...)and tender one's resignation;
负疚 [书] feel apologetic;have a guilty conscience;
负离子 {物} anion;
负利息 negative interest;
负气 do sth. in a fit of pique;
负屈含冤 suffer from an unrighted wrong or grievance;
负伤 be wounded;be injured;
负时钟信号 negative clock;
负鼠 {动} Didelphis lanigera;didelphid;opossum;
负数 negative number;negative;minus;
负投资 negative investment;
负温度 negative temperature;
负像 negative image;reversed image;negative picture





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