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单词 let
释义 let1 /let; let/ vt, vi (pt, pp let) (-tt-) (For uses with adverbial particles and preps c8 below.) (与副词接语和介词连用之用法,参看下列第 8 义。) 1 [VP18B] (followed by a noun/pronoun and an infinitive without to; rarely used in the passive in this sense) allow to: 允许; 让(其后跟一名词或代名词,再接一没有 to 的不定词,用于此义罕作被动): Her father will not let her go to the dance. 她父亲不会让她去参加舞会。 She wants to go to the party but her father won't let her (ie let her go. The omission of the infinitive is frequent when it may be inferred from the context 她要去参加那桑会,但她父亲不允许她去 (her 之后省略了 go, 当有上下文可以推知时,此种不定词常省略)。 Please let me know (ie inform me) what happens. 请吿诉我发生了什么事情。 Don't let the fire go out. 不要让火熄灭。 2 [VP18B] (used with first and third person pronouns to supply an indirect imperative): (与第一人称和第三人称的代名词连用,形成间接的祈使句) .Let's start at once, shall we? 我们即刻动身吧,好嘴? Don't let's start yet! 还不要开始! Let me see— where did I leave my hat? 泳我想一想 —— 我的帽子放到哪儿去了呢? Let us both have a try! 让我们两人都试试看! Let her do it at。” ce. 让她马上做此事。 Let there be no mistake about it, Don't make any mistake, don't misunderstand me, etc. 此事不妻弄错了。 Live and let live, → live1 (2). 3 [VP18B] (let, in the imperative, may also indicate an assumption. It may also indicate permission, with a suggestion of defiance): (let在祈使句中亦可指假设,有时亦指许可, 但含有挑战的意味): Let AB be equal to CD. 假设 AB 等于 CD。Let ABC be an angle of ninety degrees. 盛设 ABC 为 — 九十度角。 Let them do their worst! I defy them to do their worst! 让他们蛮干好啦(我不相信他们敢蛮干)! Let them all come! 让他们都来吧! 4 [VP18B] (The pattern let + noun + infinitive, as in let the waitress go, is sometimes replaced by the pattern let + infinitive + noun, as in let drop a hint. In some cases, eg in let fly, the object of let is omitted), (let + 名词 + 不定词乏句型,例如: let the waitress go, 有时可改作 let 4- 不定词 + 名词,例如: let drop a hinto 有时 let 的宾语可以省略,例如: let fly)o Note the following: 注意下列者: let sb/sth be, allow to be quiet or unworried: 不搅扰上人或某物 Let me be, Don't worry me. 不要打扰我。 Let the poor dog be, Don't tease it, 不要捉弄那只可怜的狗。 let drive (at sb/sth), aim a blow (at); throw sth (at): 瞄击; 向…投挪: He let drive with his left fist. 他用左拳击出。 He let drive at me with a stone. 他拿一石头对我掷来。 let sb/ sth drop, allow to drop; (fig) utter (on purpose or by chance), 使跌下; 丢下丁(喻)(故意或偶然)说出。 let sth fall, allow to fall; (fig) allow to be heard: 使跌倒; 丢下; (喻)说出; 吐露出: He let fall a hint of his intentions. 他吐露出一点他的意向。 let fly fat sb/sth), discharge; send out violently; shoot; strike out (at): 发出; 猛烈地发出; 射出; 击出: He aimed carefully and then let fly (ie fired) at the ducks. 他仔细地瞄准,然后射向那些鸭子。 The angry man let fly a volley of oaths. 那愤怒的人发出一盅串的咒语。 let sb/sth go; let go of sb/sth, release one's hold of him/it: 放手; 松手; 放开: Don't let the rope go/let go of the rope. 不要森开那绳子。 Let me go! Take your hands off me; don't hold or keep me. 放开你的手!不要拉我!让我走! let oneself go, give way to, no longer hold back, one's feelings, desires, impulses, etc: 尽量发泄情感、欲望、冲动莓: He let himself go on the subject. 他畅谈此一问题。 W it go at that, say no more about it; dismiss the subject: 不再谈论某事; 停止讨论一问题: I don't agree with all you say but we'll let it go at that. 我并不全同意你说的话,但我们不要再谈此事了。 let sth pass, overlook; disregard: 忽略; 叡视: It's not a serious error; we can let it pass, I think. 这不是个严重的错误,我想我们可以不必重视它。 /st sth slip, a miss (an opportunity, etc). 错过(机会等)。 b → let sth drop/fall, (see above). 5 [VP22] (combined with adj) (与形容言司连用) let sb/sth alone, allow (sb) to do sth unaided; not inters ere with: 不管; 不要干涉: Let it alone! 不要管它! Let well alone, (prov) Don't try to improve sth that is already satisfactory. (谚)对已感满意之事不要再求改善; 不要画蛇添足。 let alone, (colloq) to say nothing of; not to mention: (俗)遑论; 至于…更不必说了: There were seven people in the car, let alone a pile of luggage and three dogs. 那部汽车载了七个人,更不必说还有一堆行李和三只狗了。 let sb/sth loose (on sb/sth), allow to be free (somewhere); (fig) release (one's anger, etc on sb): 释放; 放掉; (喻)发泄(愤怒等): Don't let that dog loose. 不要放开那条狗。 6 [VP6A, 14, 22, 24A] ~ sth (to), give the use of (buildings, land) in return for regular money payments: 出租(房屋,土地): This house is to be let. 此屋出租。 The house would let (→ could be let) easily. 这房子容易出租。 She has let her house furnished. 她已将她备有像具的房屋租出。 to let. offered for renting. 出租。 let out, put out to hire: 出租: He used to let out horses by the day. 他以前常按日出租马。 7 [VP6A] (surgery) ~ blood, cause it to flow, (外科)放血。 Hence, 由此产生, 'blood-letting n [U]. 8 [VP15A, B, 2C, 14] (uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副鬲接语和介词连用之用法〉: let sth down, lower; put or take down: 放低; 放下 Please let the window down. 箱放下窗子。 This skirt needs letting down, lengthening by lowering the hemline. 这条裙子需要放长。 She let down her hair. 她看下她的头髪。 That chair has a broken leg, it might let you down, might not support you. 那椅子有一条腿断了,它可能会使你跌倒。 let sb down, (fig) disappoint; fail to help: (喻)使某人失望; 不帮助: Harry will never let you down, You can rely upon him to help you always. 哈利永不会置你于禾顾(你永远可以依赖他的帮助)。 I've been badly let down, placed in a difficult or awkward situation through the failure of others to support me, 我非常失望(由于别人木支持我而陷入困境) o Hence, 由此产生, 'let-down n feeling ■ of having been let down; disappointment. 失望。 let the side down, → side' (10). let sb/sth in/into sth, allow to enter: 允许进入; 放入: Windows let in light and air. 窗子使线和举养进入。 These shoes let in water. 这些鞋子会进水。 He let himself in/into the flat with a latchkey, opened the door using the key. 他用钥匙打开弹簧锁而进入公寓。 Who let you into the building? 谁让你进入那房屋的? let sth in. make (a garment, etc) narrower: 将(衣物等)改窄: This skirt needs letting in at the waist. 这裙子的腰部需要改窄。 let sb in for sth, involve in loss, difficulty, hard work, etc: 使陷入(损失,困葬,辛苦工作等): He didn't know what a lot of unpaid work he was letting himself in for when he agreed to become secretary of the society. 当他同意担任该社的秘书时,他不知道他将做许多无报酬的工作。 let sb into sth, allow to share (a secret): 使知道(秘密): She has been let into told) the secret. 她已知道这秘密了。 let sth into sth, put into the surface of: 嵌进: We must let another window into this wall. 我们必须在这墙上再装一个窗户。 let sb off, excuse; not compel; not punish; not punish severely: 原谅; 不强迫; 不惩罚; 使免受重罚: He was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 他没有坐牢, 而只是受罚款了事。 You have let him off lightly, eg by excusing him from too much work, by punishing him lightly, etc. 你轻易地放过了他(例如免除他过多的工作,减轻惩罚等)。 let sth off, fire off: 放(枪炮,烟火等): The boys were letting off fireworks. 男衣子们在放烟火。 let on (that...), (colloq) reveal a secret: (俗) 泄露秘密: He knew where the boy was hiding but he didn't let on, didn't tell anyone. 他知道那男孩藏在哪里, 但他不泄露给别人。 let sb/sth out, allow to go (flow, etc) out: 使出去; 使流出; 放出: He let the air out of the tyres. 他将轮胎的气放掉。 Let the water out of the bathtub. 把浴盆中的水放掉。 let sth out, make (a garment, etc) looser, larger, etc: 放宽(衣服等); 放大: He's getting so fat that his trousers need to be let out round the waist. 他愈来愈胖,故而他的神腰需要放宽。 → also 6 above. 亦参看上列第 6 义。 let out at sb, aim a violent blow, kick, etc, at him; (fig) use violent language to him. 向某人猛击,猛踢等; (喻)猛烈地攻讦某人 Be careful! That mule has a habit of letting out at people. 当心!那匹骤子有踢人的习惯。 let sb/sth through (sth), allow to pass (an examination, etc): 使通过(考试莓): He got only 40%, so the examiners couldn't possibly let him through. 他只得到四十分,所以主试者不可能让他通过。 lot up, become less strong, etc: 减弱: Will the rain never let up? 雨势永不会减弱吗? 'let-up n (colloq) cessation; diminution: (俗)停止; 中止'; 减小: There has been no let-up in the rain yet. 雨一, 没有停过。, 'ye been working ten hours without a letup. 我已工作了十小时未曾中断。 let up on sb, (colloq) treat more leniently. (俗)对待某人比较宽大。




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