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单词 leading
释义 leading /'ItdiQ; Uidii]/ adj chief; most important: 主要的; 最重要的: the ~ men of the day; 今日之领导人物; the ~ topics of the hour, those now being discussed; 舍前主妻的论题; the ~ lady, the actress with the chief part in a play; (剧吊的)女主角; L~ Aircraftman, non-commissioned rank in the RAF. 英国皇家空军上等兵。, ~ 'article, (in a newspaper) one giving editorial opinions on events, policies, etc. (报纸的)社论。 l 'case, (legal) one that establishes a precedent. (法律)成为如例之案件。 'light, (colloq) prominent person. (畚)重要人物。 L 'question, one that suggests the answer that is hoped for. 诱导询问。 n act of leading. 领导; 率领; 领先。' ~-rein n for ~ a horse. W,' ~-strings n pl straps, etc with which babies were formerly taught to walk: 昔时教幼儿学步用的引带: in —strings, (fig) guided and controlled like a young child, (ift) 似幼儿般受管束。




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