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单词 lead
释义 lead3 /ltd; lid/ vt, vi (pt, pp led) /led; kd/ 1 [VP6A, 15A, B] guide or take, esp by going in front: 切导: Our guide led us through a series of caves. 我们的向导引导我们穿过一连串的洞穴。 The servant led the visitors in/out/back. 那仆人引导客人入内 (出去,回去) 。 ~ the way (to), go first; show the way. 带路; 引路。 ‘ ~- in n a preliminary remarks, introduction (to). 引语; 齐亩系。 b wire joining an aerial to a wireless receiver or television set. 引入线 (自天线接至收音机或电视机的电线) 。 2 [VP6A, 15A, B] conduct (sb) by the hand, by touching him, or by a rope, etc: 童? ~ a blind man; 牵引一盲人; ~ a horse, by holding the halter and walking at its head. 牵马。 ~ sb astray, (fig) tempt him to do sth wrong. (喻) 将某人引入歧途。 ~ sb by the nose, control him completely; make him do everything one wishes him to do. 完全控制某人; 牵着某人的鼻子走。 ~ sb on, (fig) entice sb to do more than he intended. (喻) 怂恿某人做非其心愿之事。 ~ a woman to the altar, (joc) marry her. (俗) 与一女子结婚。 3 [VP6A, 2A] act as chief; direct by example or persuasion; direct the movements of: 领导; 率领; 指挥: ~ an army/ an expedition/a mutiny; 指挥军队 (率领探险队; 领头叛变); ~ the Conservative Party; 领导保守党; ~ the fashion; 开风气; 创时尚; ~ the choir/the singing. 领导唱诗班 (歌唱) 。 Who's going to ~? 谁将领导? 4 [VP6A, 2A, C] have the first place in; go first: 居于…之首位; 领先: A brass band led the regiment. 该团由…钢管乐队引导。 Which horse is ~ing, eg in a race? 哪一匹马领先 (例如赛马时)? ~ off, start: 开始: Who's going to ~ 谁先开始? He led off by saying that.... 他开始时说 5 [VP6A, 17, 14] ~ (to), guide the actions and opinions of; influence; persuade: 领导…的行动和意见; 影响; 劝诱: What led you to this conclusion? 什么使你下此结论? He is easier led than driven. 他适于诱导而不适于 SI 使。 I am led to believe (= Certain facts, etc cause me to believe) that he is disloyal to us. 某些事实使我相信他对我们不忠。 What led you to think s 。? 什么使你这样想? 6 [VP2C] be a path, way or road to; (fig) have as a result: 通; 达; (喻)导致某种结果: Where does this road ~? 这条路通到哪里? Your work seems to be ~ing nowhere, getting no result. 你的工作似乎没有什么效果。 This led to great confusion. 此事导致美仿为乱。 ~ up to, be a preparation for or an introduction to; direct the conversation towards: 作为…的准备或前导; 使话题(渐渐)转向: That's just what I yvas ~ing up to. 那正是我要说的。 Chapter One describes the events that led up to the war. 第一章描写引起战争的一些事件。 All roads ~ to Rome, (fig) There are many ways of reaching the same result. (喻)条条道路通罗马; 殊途同归。 7 [VP6A, 12C] (cause sb to) pass, go through, spend (life, etc): 过(生活等); 使某人过(生活等): ~ a miserable existence; 生活困苦; ~ a double life/ a Jekyll and Hyde existence. 过双重人格的生活。 ~ sb a (pretty) dance, → dance1 (1). ~ sb a 'dog's life, make his life wretched. 使弃人过困苦的日子。 8 [VP6A, 2A] (in card games) put down, as first player (a certain card or kind of card): (牌戏)首先出(某张或某种牌): ~ the two of clubs; 首先出梅花 2; ~ trumps. 首先出王牌。 9 [VP3A] ~ with, (journalism) have as the main article or news story: (新闻)使成为头条新闻或特别报导: Well ~ with the dock strike. 我们将以船坞龙工作头条新闻。




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