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(语句中的停顿) a slight pause in reading
另见 see also dú。


❶ (看着文字发出声音) read aloud:请再给我 ~ 一遍。 Please read it back to me. 她把那封信 ~ 给我们大家听。 She read out the letter to all of us.
❷ (阅读;看) read:精[泛] ~ read intensively [extensively];这部小说值得一 ~。 This novel is worth reading.
❸ (上学) attend school:~ 不起书 cannot afford to go to school;~ 完大学 finish college;
走 ~ attend a day school;attend school while living at home Ⅱ ❶ (字的念法;读音) pronunciation
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 健 Du Jian
另见 see also dòu。
◆读本 reader;textbook;
读出 read out;sense;sensing;playback;reading;
读出器 reader;sensor;
读后感 reaction to [impression of] a book or an article;
读回 read back;
读破 read a character with two or more ways of pronunciation due to the difference of senses in a way other than its customary pronunciation;
读取 fetch;
读入 {计} read-in;
读书 read;study;
读书会 reading circle;readers' conference;
读书破万卷,下笔如有神 Having pored over ten thousand volumes,one can write with godly power. — Ample reading produces fluent writing;
读熟 learn by heart;
读数 indication;playback;registration;numerical reading;
读头 {计} read head;reading head;sensing head;playback head;
读物 reading matter;reading material;
读写 read-write;
读音 {语} pronunciation;
读语句 READ statement;
读者 reader;
读者服务站 reader service station





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