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单词 laurel
释义 laurel /'loral US: 'b: ral; 'bral/ n evergreen shrub with smooth, shiny leaves, used by ancient Romans and Greeks as an emblem of victory, success and distinction. 月桂树 (生有平滑发亮的树的常青灌木,古罗马人及希腊人用以作胜利、成功及荣誉的象征) 。 look to one's ~s, beware of losing one's reputation; be on the look-out for possible successes among rivals. 爱惜名声; 小心保持纪录。 rest on one's ~s, be content with one's successes and rest. 驾既得之成功心满意足。 win/gain one's ~s, win reputation, honour. 博得荣誉。 ~led adj crowned with ~. 戴桂冠的。




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