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单词 诲人不倦

诲人不倦诲人不厌huì rén bù juàn

be never tired of teaching people; be patient (/tireless) inteaching others; teach others without weariness;teach sb indefatigably; teach with tireless zeal;tmtiring in the instruction of others
❍ 这是多么坚强、勇敢、~的人啊! (杨沫《青春之歌》259) How strong and brave he is! And how palient i n teaching others!/对自己,“学而不厌”,对人家,“~”,我们应取这种态度。(《毛泽东选集》 500) Our attitude towards ourselves should be “to be insatiable i n leamning'’ and towards others“t o b e tireless i n teaching". /共产党员在民众运动中,应该是民众的朋友,而不是民众的上司,是~的教师,而不是官僚主义的政客。(《毛泽东选集》 488) Every Com—munist v#orking among the masses should be their Mriend and not a boss over them,an indefatigable teacher alld not a bureaucratic politician.
❍ 孔子闻之,日: “由,尔何不对日 ‘其为人也,学道不倦,诲人不厌,发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至’云尔。”(《史记·孔子世家》 1928) When Confucius heard this he said'“Whv didn't you tell him,‘He is a man who never wearies of studying the truth,never tires o f teaching others. but who in his eagerness forgets his hringer and in his joy forgets his bitter lot,not worrying that old age is creeping on? ”’/回忆周总理在这段工作时期的战斗历程,他的崇高的思想品质,坚韧不拔的革命精神和谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗、以身作则、~的领导作风,都是令人终生难忘的。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—62) When We think of his militant years during this oeriod. We will remember fofever his noble char acter,his firm revoltItiollary spirit and his style of leadership characterized by modesty,prudence,plain liring,hard struggle,exemplary COIlduct and his paaience and seriousness a s a teacher.
❍ 若圣与仁,则吾岂敢,抑为之不厌,~,则可谓之尔己矣。(《论语·述而》) The sage and the man of perfect virtue: 一how dare I rank myself with them? It may simply be said of me,that I strive t0 become SUCh without satiety,and teach others without weariness.
❍ 黛玉笑道: “圣人说: ~,他又来问我,我岂有不说的理!”(《红楼梦》602)“The Sage says,‘Untiring 锄n the instructwon of others,'’Black Jade retorted. “If she has come to ask for my help,what can I do but tell her what I know? ”

诲人不倦hui ren bu juan

teach with zeal and patience,be never tired of admonishing others


be tireless in teaching;teach others tirelessly (or with tireless zeal);never wearied of teaching others what one has learnt

诲人不倦huì rén bù juàn

耐心教人,不知疲倦。be tireless in teaching, teach with tireless zeal, teach without weariness





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